CFO Seal

Florida Fire and Incident Reporting Section

Is your department NERIS ready?

The Fire Safety Research Institute (FSRI), part of UL Research Institutes, released the National Emergency Response Information System (NERIS) Beta version of the NERIS Core Data Schemas. The schema resources serve as critical building blocks of the new system. They provide an understanding of how NERIS will operate and the essential technical information necessary for integration. The Executive Guide also offers specific, actionable instructions to assist your department in preparing for onboarding. 

The NERIS Core Data Schemas are now available for download in Beta in the following three formats:

  • Executive Guide - For All - Fire Service Leaders, Firefighters, and Other Non-Technical Stakeholders
  • Spreadsheets - For Data Analysts and Firefighter Data Specialists
  • Technical Specifications - For Software Developers, Engineers, and Technical Support Teams 

Here is the link to the NERIS Core Data Schema and the NERIS Secondary Data Schema


As a reminder, the State Fire Marshal’s office no longer accepts emailed NFIRS data. Personnel at your agency must now upload your NFIRS reports directly into the FEMA website. Please view video aids in the Links for NFIRS Assistance section to assist your department.

How your Department can Benefit from Incident Reporting

  • Justify budget requests and provide a basis for resource allocation

  • Generate statistical NFIRS/FFIRS Reports

  • Assess department activity on a national scale including Emergency Medical Services, department apparatus, wildland fires, and personnel activities

  • Summarize annual activities

  • Answer questions about the nature and causes of injuries, deaths, and property loss resulting from fires

  • Determine needed improvements within the department (e.g. response time, training)

  • Predict fire-related problems within your community, and

  • Measure the success of fire prevention and safety programs

    Fire and Emergency Incident Information System Technical Advisory Panel

    The Fire and Emergency Incident Information System Technical Advisory Panel is created within the Division of State Fire Marshal. The panel shall advise, review, and recommend to the State Fire Marshal with respect to the requirements of this section. The membership of the panel shall consist of the following 15 members:

    • The current 13 members of the Firefighters Employment, Standards, and Training Council as established in Florida Statute 633.31.
    • One member from the Division of Forestry of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, appointed by the division director.
    • One member from the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services of the Department of Health, appointed by the Bureau Chief.

    Meeting Minutes - Fire and Emergency Incident Information System Technical Advisory Panel

    Meeting Minutes - (2013 - Present)

    Meeting Minutes - (2006 - 2012)

    NFIRS Training Available through USFA/NFA

    The U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) and our National Fire Academy (NFA) are working to advance the professional status and expand the knowledge and skills of fire and emergency services personnel. Our free training and education programs support fire departments and emergency services organizations with preparing for, preventing, and responding to fires and other hazards.