CFO Seal

Risk Management

The mission of the Division is to ensure that participating state agencies are provided quality workers’ compensation, liability, federal civil rights, auto liability, and property insurance coverage at reasonable rates by providing self-insurance, purchase of insurance, claims handling, and technical assistance in managing risk.

The Division also provides loss prevention services and technical assistance to state agencies and universities for managing risk.  On our website you will be able to find information regarding the many types of coverages provided through the trust fund.

  • Workers' Compensation
  • Property
  • Fleet Automobile Liability
  • General Liability
  • Federal Civil Rights/Employment Discrimination and Court Awarded Attorney Fees
  • The Division also provides loss prevention services and technical assistance to state agencies and universities for managing risk.

Are you a State of Florida agency or university needing training or consultative services, loss prevention or agency safety information, or interagency council information? The Bureau of Risk Financing and Loss Prevention provides training and consultative services to agency safety coordinators, conducts agency risk management program evaluations, monitors agency return-to-work programs and provides administrative support to the Interagency Advisory Council on Loss Prevention.
Do you wish to file a claim for civil rights violations, auto or general liability against a state agency or university or are you a state agency/university with a property claim that needs to be filed? The Bureau of State Liability and Property Claims is responsible for the investigation and resolution/settlement of liability and property claims involving, or against, state agencies and universities.
Are you a state employee injured on the job? The Bureau of State Employee Workers' Compensation Claims is responsible for the administration of all workers' compensations claims filed by state employees and volunteers who are injured on the job.