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Forms Library

Accounting and Auditing forms can be located in the drop downs on this page. Forms are numbered according to Bureau, a key to the numbering system is below: 

  • DFS-A0 Multiple Bureaus
  • DFS-A1 Bureau of Financial Reporting
  • DFS-A2 Bureau of Auditing
  • DFS-A3 Bureau of State Payrolls
  • DFS-A4 Bureau of Vendor Relations
  • DFS-A6 Bureau of Financial Reporting
  • DFS-AA Bureau of Auditing
Form used by state agencies to identify requirements of FACTS that would have major impact on their agency's operations so that they can be addressed and/or mediated by FACTS Administrative and Technical Team.
This form is used by the agency to provide FACTS administrators with their authorized agency contract for: Agency Access Approver (Primary and Backup) Technical Contact (Primary and Backup) Public Inquiry contact (public records or general request)
This form is completed by the Agency FACTS Administrator to request a unique FACTS username & password for an agency user as required to access FACTS.
Once a contract, grant disbursement agreement, or award has been published to FACTS, any data changes must be submitted to This form is used by the agency point of contract to request data updates in FACTS.
Section 215.985, Records made available may not reveal information made confidential or exempt by law. This form serves as an attestation that the public records uploaded to FACTS has been redacted from those public records.
This form is used for an agency to request a Security Access Manager (SAM) to be added or inactivated, as well as requesting changes to current SAM and/or Miscellaneous updates to current SAM.
Pursuant to Section 17.58 Florida Statutes, State Agencies will use this form to request Chief Financial Officer approval to set up a Revolving Fund either in the state treasury or outside the state treasury.
This workbook collects data from State Agencies to be used by the Revenue Estimating Conference in their report to the Legislature on state revenues in specific categories.
State agencies must use this form to request an update to or an addition of a Statewide Vendor File record.
State agencies must use this form to request access to the Statewide Vendor File.
State agencies must use this form to request an agency courier to be authorized to receive warrants.
State agencies must use this form to provide the Department of Financial Services with representations they are submitting Form 1099 in accordance with the Internal Revenue Service regulations.
This form is used for requesting to add or updating a object code in FLAIR.
Pursuant to Section 287.063, Florida Statutes, State Agencies will utilize this template to request approval to lease equipment, more then $30,000, annually.
Section 489.145, F.S., allows State Agencies to enter a guaranteed energy, water, & wastewater performance savings (GEWWPS) contract with an approved contractor. This is an Agency Checklist designed to help DFS prepare the contract using the GEWWPS model.
Form used by designated Agency Access Custodians to request user access to the Contract Audit System (CAS).
Form used by Agency Administrative Service Directors to designate  Agency Access Custodians for the Contract Audit System (CAS).
Rule 69I-5.005(4), F.A.C., requires state agencies to annually certify the accuracy and completeness of state projects included in the Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) using Form DFS-A2-AC, and submitting it to the DFS Bureau of Auditing.
For each state program and other activities determined to be a state project subject to the requirements of the FSAA, the state agency must request a CSFA number by submitting the New CSFA Project Number Form DFS-A2-AR to the DFS Bureau of Auditing.
For nonstate organizations determined to be a recipient or subrecipient of state or federal financial assistance, the audit Requirements in Form DFS-A2-CL, must be included in the document establishing the state’s relationship with the nonstate entity.
For state projects with a CSFA, state agencies must complete the Agency Reporting Form DFS-A2-CS to report the project-specific compliance requirements to be included in the State Projects Compliance Supplement and submitted to DFS Bureau of Auditing.
For nonstate organizations receiving state resources, the State Agency must complete the Florida Single Audit Act Checklist for Nonstate Organizations Form DFS-A2-NS to determine whether the relationship is a recipient/subrecipient or a vendor.
State agencies must use the State Project Determination Checklist (Form DFS-A2-PD) to evaluate the applicability of the Florida Single Audit Act (FSAA) to a state program and determine whether the program is a state project.
This form is used to indicate which type of payment is being requested and should be provided by the agency when requesting a Back Pay, Retroactive payment, Settlement Payment or Dual Employment Retroactive Overtime payments.
This form must be completed by the employee and submitted by the agency requesting a Back Pay payment.
This is a required form that must be completed and submitted by the agency for any beneficiary payment request.
This form is completed and submitted by the agency to provide garnishment details to BOSP.
This form is to be completed and submitted by the agency for Writ of Garnishments.
This is the Payroll Authorization form that each agency must submit to BOSP to designate those who are authorized to sign payroll documents.
This form should be completed and submitted prior to any payment being issued to a Foreign National or Non Resident Alien.
Use this checklist for beneficiary payment requests
Th Direct Deposit Acknowledgement form is completed by new employees as part of the onboarding process.
Per Florida Statute 110.113(2) an employee may request an exemption from receiving salary payments by direct deposit when the employee can demonstrate a hardship. DFS-A3-2001 should be used to request an exemption.
This form provides BOSP with assurances of agency compliance with applicable payroll guidelines and must be completed by every agency on a yearly basis and submitted to BOSP.
State agencies must use this form to request access to the Vendor Employee Table in the Information Warehouse.
Pursuant to Section 17.58 Florida Statutes, State Agencies will use this form to request Chief Financial Officer approval to set up a Revolving Fund either in the state treasury or outside the state treasury.
Use this form to provide authorization for an individual to sign vouchers.
Statewide Master Adjustment System (SWMA) User Account Request Form
Pursuant to Section 17.20, Florida Statute, State Agencies using the Chief Financial Officers Debt Collection Agents will use the template for referring delinquent account receivables for collection.
Pursuant to Section 17.04, Florida Statute and in conjunction with 17.20, Florida Statute, State Agencies will use this template when requesting authorization to write off account receivables.
Pursuant to Florida Statute 17.04, the Department of Financial Services is charged to examine, audit, adjust and settle the accounts of the state. Agencies shall submit a request the Department to receive approval to adjust (write-off) state records.
Pursuant to Section 287.064, Florida Statutes, the Chief Financial Officer has established a master equipment financing agreement for consolidated financing of deferred payment, installment sale, or lease purchases with a financial institution.
A master equipment financing agreement may finance the cost of energy, water, or wastewater efficiency and conservation measures as defined in Section 489.145, F.S.
Each agency is able to request access within Workiva using form DFS-A1-693. Access Approvers can request new user accounts, deactivate existing user accounts or update user contact information.
Section 17.20(4), F.S., State Agencies use this template to submit the annual report of Claims for Collection. Including Accounts Referred for Collection in the FY, Accounts Not Referred for Collection & Accounts Written-Off and/or Waived. Due October 1.
Pursuant to Section 373.536(4)(e), F.S., water management districts must post this form monthly to their website.
State agencies must use this form to request corrections to vendor's Form 1099.
Vendors - Complete this form with original signatures and a copy of the current government issued photo ID from the authorized signer. Once completed, mail to the Direct Deposit Section as directed on the form. Faxed or emailed forms will not be accepted.
Employees - Complete this form with an original signature and a copy of a current government issued photo ID. Once completed, mail to the Direct Deposit Section as directed on the form. Faxed or emailed forms will not be accepted.
Payees must request a duplicate warrant through the paying agency by completing this form.
Payees must use this form to initiate a forgery investigation.
This form is to be completed for current year expenditure refunds to restore cash and budget to the current year disbursement account, which generated the payment on which the refund is based.
Form used by Contract Managers to summarize contract details and to certify payment is due.
This form is the retroactive payment schedule or Manual Payroll Register. This form must be completed by the agency and provided to BOSP upon requests of a Back Pay or Dual Employment Retroactive Overtime payment.
This form must be completed by the agency and is required for any Lump Sum Settlement Agreement payment.
This form must be submitted by the agency to complete a manual salary overpayment adjustment in PYRL. This form must be used when processing overpayment adjustments that are unable to be processed by the agency systematically.
This is the form that DSGI completes and submits for Beneficiary payments.
This form must be completed and submitted by the agency requesting a FICA Tax Refund.
This form must be completed and submitted by the agency requesting a miscellaneous adjustment to an employee's payroll record.
This form is completed by the agency when requesting a warrant cancellation for an expense, retirement or payroll deduction warrant. This form should be submitted to the Bureau of Vendor Relations.
This form must be completed by an Involuntary Deduction Payroll Vendor when requesting to receive payments electronically as a Third Party Recipient.
This form must be completed by an Involuntary Deduction Payroll Vendor when requesting to receive payments electronically as an Individual Recipient.
This form is required for any beneficiary payment to be paid. It must be completed by the employing agency and submitted to BOSP.
Section 112.061(11), F.S. requires DFS provide uniform Travel Authorization and Voucher Reimbursement forms used for travel that is not processed in the Statewide Travel Management System (STMS). 69I-42.003(2), states who this form should be used by.
Section 112.061(11), F.S. requires DFS provide uniform Travel Authorization and Voucher Reimbursement forms used for travel that is not processed in the Statewide Travel Management System (STMS). 69I-42.003(1), states the use of this form.
Section 112.061(11), F.S. requires DFS provide uniform Travel Authorization and Voucher Reimbursement forms used for travel that is not processed in the Statewide Travel Management System (STMS). 69I-42.003(3), states who this form should be used by.
This form is to be completed when requesting a refund of monies paid into the State Treasury, which are subject to refund.