CFO Seal

Suspicious Emails 


The Department has received reports of suspicious emails being sent to licensees that appear to come from the Florida Department of Financial Services and include a PDF attachment that’s actually a link to malicious software.  Here’s an example of one of these emails:


DFS Email Spam Example

If you receive any email similar to the ones shown above, DO NOT open any attachments or click any links! 

As with any suspicious emails, always ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I know the sender?
  • Was I expecting a link, document, or request from the sender?
  • Are there misspellings or grammatical errors that look unusual?
  • When I hover over a link within the email, does the link address appear to match where I'm expecting the link should go?

If the answer is "no" to any of the questions above, the sender may not be legitimate. Before clicking on any link or downloading an attachment you aren't expecting to receive, contact the sender by phone or another email address not provided within the suspicious email.   If you’re unsure about any email that appears to come from the Florida Department of Financial Services, please contact us directly at to verify the legitimacy of that email.     

"Think before you click.  Report suspicious emails.  When in doubt, delete."


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