CFO Seal

Vol. 12, No. 1 - Summer 2023


We recently closed out a very successful 2023 Legislative Session! This was a huge win for Floridians across our state, where we supported measures to help Florida families and businesses thrive. We passed consumer protection measures to put policyholders first and stop bad actors following hurricanes and disasters. We also passed vital measures to support Florida's brave first responders so they have the tools needed to protect our communities and save lives. 

I was thrilled to see the Governor sign House Bill 991 into law, which will expand the My Safe Florida Home Program. This program was a huge success last year, and with this legislation, we will see an expansion of the program's eligibility requirements, providing even more access to Floridians to harden their homes as the next hurricane season approaches. This program not only offers Floridians the opportunity to fortify their house against storms, but to lower their insurance rates in the process.   

June 1st was the official start of the 2023 Hurricane Season, and this should serve as a reminder to all of us Floridians to prepare now. We all know the disastrous effect that these storms can have, and that is why you need to have a disaster plan, so that your family and business can weather and recover from a storm quickly. Experts have predicted up to 17 named storms with up to four major hurricanes this season. Don’t wait, visit now to get your disaster plan started.



Jimmy Patronis
Chief Financial Officer

Florida Department of Financial Services seal

News You Can Use

In The Know

We’re reminding all lines adjusters who would like to respond to the aftermath of hurricanes or any other natural disaster in Florida that Emergency Adjusters must be licensed and appointed by an insurer or an adjusting firm to legally adjust insurance claims in Florida. Adjusters attempting to enter restricted areas after a disaster without proper license credentials will be turned away. Anyone found adjusting claims without a license could be subject to Department enforcement action and/or criminal penalties...Read more

Education Central

In January of 2022, the Law and Ethics Update Course requirement was reduced from a 5-hour course to a 4-hour course. While this has been positively received by the industry, the change can cause some confusion for licensees who have old CE cycles that are still needing a 5-hour version of the course to satisfy them. There are very few 5-hour versions of the courses that are still active. A licensee in this situation should complete a 4-hour Law and Ethics update course with the correct course authority for their license type, and then contact us in the Education Unit so we can make an adjustment to the record and help licensees get their old CE cycles taken care of properly. Also, if a licensee sees a Law and Ethics Update course that is split and being allocated over two compliance cycles, please contact us so we can review the transcript and make any changes or corrections that might be necessary...Read more

Enforcement Actions

The enforcement actions included in this list reflect enforcement actions taken from July 2022 through April 2023. Some of the following enforcement actions were resolved through a settlement process resulting in an order for discipline. Notification of enforcement actions is in the public interest. Please check with the Department before making a decision based upon this listing as information may have changed/been updated. This listing does not reflect pending appeals or requests for hearings. The license or registration status may have changed since the filing of these orders. We suggest that searching the Licensee Search page or make a public records request to verify the current status of any license or registration...Read more

Compliance Corner

The Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (Office) is conducting its annual Title Agencies Data Filing pursuant to sections 624.307 and 627.782, F.S. and Rule 69O-186.013, F.A.C. Title Insurance Agencies licensed at any time during Calendar Year 2022 are required filers. There are no exceptions - even if your agency closed during 2022. Your submission was due to the Office no later than 11:59 PM ET on Sunday, May 31, 2023...Read more

Case Notes

Case: This investigation involved health agent accused of submitting an application to the Federally Facilitated Marketplace (FFM) on a consumer without her knowledge and consent. A Marketplace investigation identified the agent for investigation due to a pattern of complaints from individuals reporting that they were enrolled into Marketplace plans without their authorization...Read more

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