CFO Seal

Changing the Addresses or Name of an Agent, Adjuster, or Agency

Address (including email) Change or Verification:

You must update and/or verify your addresses, including email, and other information through your MyProfile account.

After you log in to your MyProfile account, you will be able to see your information on the bottom-left of your MyProfile In-Box. To proceed with making changes, click "Address Change" on the right. If you make any changes, you must click Save at the bottom. This will ensure that your changes are saved.

If you have another license, such as one for your agency or firm, you will need to verify and update the addresses on file for that license via its own separate MyProfile account.

Name, Date of Birth, or Social Security Number Change:

You must mail or email the request to change your name, date of birth, or social security number. You must attach LEGIBLE supporting documentation (marriage certificate, articles of incorporation, driver license, social security card, etc.) to one of the locations below.


Upload the documents in your secure MyProfile account online.

Florida Department of Financial Services
Bureau of Agent and Agency Licensing
200 E. Gaines Street, Room 419
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0319


Licensees have 30 days and Limited Surety (bail bond) Agents have 10 working days from the date of change to notify the Department and/or update MyProfile with any changes to their information. Failure to timely notify the department or update MyProfile could result in an administrative action and fine (626.551 & 648.421, F.S.).

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