CFO Seal

About the K-9 Unit

The unit is comprised of seven Accelerant Detection Canine (ADC) teams and three Explosives Detection Canine (EDC) team.

Accelerant Detection Canines

In 1998, the Bureau implemented an Accelerant Detection K-9 program with financial and technical support from State Farm Insurance Company. This mutually beneficial partnership was established in an effort to enhance the investigators’ ability to identify evidence of liquid accelerants utilized by arsonists and has been functioning well since its inception. Currently, the Bureau has ten K-9 teams located statewide.

The majority of canines in the State Farm Arson Dog Program are Labrador Retrievers obtained from animal shelters, rescue organizations, or certified companion programs. The program uses Labrador Retrievers because Labs have a superior ability to discriminate among scents at a fire scene. Their noses can smell in parts per quintillion. Labs generally have a gentle disposition, a “love to work” attitude, and an outgoing personality. The K9s are trained using a food reward method and the teams are required to recertify annually.

ADC Spencer and Det. Batz Detective Jeff Batz & ADC Spencer

Team Commander - Lake Wales

ADC Shay-Ley and Det. Huffman Detective Matthew Huffman & ADC Shay-Ley

Asst. Commander - Jacksonville/Ocala

ADC Eddie and Det. Kiser Detective Brandon Kiser & ADC Eddie


ADC Rico and Det. McIntyre Detective Cody McIntyre & ADC Rico


K9 Rex and Handler Alex Galan Detective Alex Galan & ADC Rex


ADC Ruthie and Det. Koehler Detective Daniel Koehler & ADC Ruthie


ADC Buffett and Lt. Paul Lieutenant Paul Snider & ADC Buffett


EDC Oregon and Det. Taylor Detective Monty Taylor & EDC Oregon

Lake Wales

EDC Sumi and Det. Newman Detective Christopher Newman & EDC Sumi


EDC Porsha and Lt. Roberts Lieutenant Jason Roberts & EDC Porsha

North Florida

K-9 Retirement
K-9 Memorial