CFO Seal

Florida Fire Safety Board Directory

The Florida Fire Safety Board (FFSB) is an advisory board to the Division of State Fire Marshal (Division). The FFSB may review and advise the Division on rules, codes, standards, interpretations, and trainings relating to certified fire protection contractors, water-based inspectors, and fire equipment dealers. Those certified may request that the FFSB review a disciplinary action and make a disciplinary recommendation to the Division. The FFSB is governed by section 633.302, Florida Statutes. The FFSB can be contacted at

John GioseffiLicensed Fire Equipment Dealer07/04/2022 - 06/30/2026
Gary BlairLicensed Fire Equipment Dealer12/16/2020 - 06/30/2024
Bradley DukesState Fire Marshal Appointed DesigneeTerm coincides with SFM term of office
Kevin GarriottAdministrative Officer from a Building Department Representing an Incorporated Municipality or County07/01/2022 – 06/30/2026
Dave HaneyLicensed Fire Protection Contractor07/01/2021 – 06/30/2025
Timothy MossgroveAdministrative Officer from a Fire Department Representing an Incorporated Municipality or County07/01/2021 – 06/30/2025
Peter SchwabLicensed Fire Protection Contractor07/01/2021 – 06/30/2025