CFO Seal

Florida Firefighter Cancer Decontamination Grant

CSFA Title:
Fire Decontamination Equipment Grant Project
Notice of Funding Opportunity Title:
FY2024-25 Florida Firefighter Cancer Decontamination Equipment Grant Program
Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) Project Number:


The Florida Firefighter Cancer Decontamination Equipment Grant Program (FFCDEGP) was established by Florida Statute 633.137 and F.A.C 69A-37.503 to help protect the health and safety of firefighters and provide financial assistance to help fire departments, including volunteer fire departments, procure equipment, supplies, and educational training designed to mitigate exposure to hazardous, cancer-causing chemicals.  

 Funding Priorities:


Grant funding is only available for PPE extractor units (110 volt) and other units not designed to operate not using 110 volt however additional costs such as wiring and installation will not be covered, second sets of hoods, gloves, and earflaps, vehicle exhaust capture systems, other equipment used to mitigate exposure to hazardous, cancer-causing chemicals, supplies used to mitigate exposure to cancer, causing chemicals, educational training designed to mitigate exposure to hazardous, cancer-causing chemicals.

For specific information on program priorities and objectives for the FY2024-2025 FFCDEGP, refer to Florida Administrative Code 69A-37.503. 




  • Total Available Grant Funds: - $500,000
  • Period of Performance Start Date: July 1, 2024
  • Period of Performance End Date: June 30, 2025


Eligible applicants are fire service providers organized and operating in the state of Florida that meets all the following requirements: 

  • A fire service provider,
  • Recorded as a fire department in the Division’s online electronic database,
  • Has a Florida fire department identification (FDID) number,
  • Submitted the Florida Fire Service Needs Assessment, Form DFS-K4-2191,
  • Is compliant with the Florida Firefighters Occupational Health and Safety Act or has a plan for correction, and
  • Must submit fire incident data as required by FAC 69A-66.0004.

Ineligible organizations are those that meet any of the following:

  • Federal government entities or contracted by federal government,
  • Fire service providers on federal or state military bases,
  • Federal or state tribal nations,
  • Fire brigades or private fire departments that operate independent of a municipality or county, the state of Florida, the Division, or any political subdivision of the state of Florida,  including authorities and special districts.


Cost Share or Match

A minimum of 25 percent nonstate matching funds is required by the eligible applicant for the Florida Firefighter Cancer Decontamination Equipment Grant Program.  Applicant must submit proof of its nonstate matching funds.


Key Dates and Times

  • Opening Date for Submitting Applications: July 3, 2024, 8:00 am, EDT.
  • Closing Date for Submitting Applications: July 24, 2024, 5:00 pm EDT.

Application Submission

In addition to meeting the above requirements, applicants for the Florida Firefighter Assistance Grant Program must complete the following items and submit the Grant Application to: 

Mailing Address:

Application can be submitted through

Request a Fire Department Safety Compliance Inspection (if one has not been completed in the past three years) from the Bureau of Fire Standards and Training, Safety Section by sending an e-mail to: