CFO Seal

Florida's Emergency Management & Response (ESF 4 and ESF 9)

"Strengthen our domestic security prevention, preparedness, protection, response and recovery capabilities through interdisciplinary and interagency consensus and commitment to build and rely on a strong Regional Mutual Aid Response Capability."

Florida's Domestic Security Strategy

As part of the Florida Domestic Security Strategy, the Division of State Fire Marshal ensures the protection and safety of Florida’s citizens through coordination with federal, state and local agencies.

Since the inception of the State Domestic Preparedness Program in 2002, the Division of State Fire Marshal has managed the distribution of more than $30 million in federal grant funds to the State of Florida to help better prepare emergency responders for response to terrorist attack incidents that may involve the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction. Additionally, since Florida has taken an “all-hazards” approach to its Domestic Security policy, the grant funds received have been put to good use as was evident by the emergency response to the hurricane seasons of both 2004 and 2005.

The Division of State Fire Marshal's Domestic Security Program is responsible for the coordination of stakeholder groups such as the Florida Fire Chiefs Association (FFCA), Florida Association of Search and Rescue (FASAR), Florida Association of Hazardous Materials Responders (FLAHR), fire service members of the seven Regional Domestic Security Task Forces (RDSTF) and other emergency response related State Agencies such as, the Division’s Bureau of Fire and Arson Investigation (BAFI), Florida Forest Service (FFS), and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), and the Division of Emergency Management (DEM) in determining the appropriate use for funds received from the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP) for the nine Urban Search and Rescue (US&R) Task Forces, 30 Hazardous Materials/WMD teams and 53 Type II Technical Rescue Teams that receive SHSGP funding.

These associations and agencies work closely with federal, state and local entities through the FFCA State Emergency Response Plan (SERP) to respond in an organized, systematic manner to significant emergencies that outstrip the ability of the local departments to respond effectively.