CFO Seal


Oversight, enterprise partners, and agency end users will have access to reports, data, and reporting tools. End users will access reports and data through standard reports, inquiries, data extracts, or dashboards. Agencies may choose to use existing reports or create agency-specific reports using self-service functionality. You can review the Reporting Approach for more information.

The Data Availability Graphic illustrates where and how data will be available within the Florida PALM system, Data Warehouse, and agency business systems. This graphic also describes where agencies may choose to receive information using standard interfaces from Florida PALM to maintain agency business systems to support those ongoing operations. Alternatively, agencies may choose to create data extracts from the Data Warehouse to support information needed for business systems.

The Knowledge Center includes a catalog of reports in Florida PALM implemented as part of CMS Wave and the planned reports for Financials and Payroll Waves.

Reporting Newsletters

Quarterly reporting updates and newsletters are provided by the Project to share the status of design, development, and implementation of reports in Florida PALM.

Data & Conversion

In preparation for Florida PALM’s next major implementation, agencies will play a large role in identifying and defining the data that Florida PALM uses. The Florida PALM Data Management Approach shares expectations for agencies when analyzing their current data and making business decisions. The Configuration Approach and Conversion Approach also detail the agency’s role when readying their data for transition. 

Florida PALM will ensure the protection of your data through multiple controls. Review the Data Protection Approach to better understand the role Florida PALM and an agency plays in managing protected data.