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CFO Patronis Legislative Update for March 28, 2023


CFO Patronis Legislative Update for March 28, 2023

House Bill 239 – Special Risk Class Retirement Date (Representative Busatta Cabrera) – This bill refines Florida’s Retirement System to better serve employees of the state and decreases the retirement date in order to make the program more accessible for state workers.

  • House Bill 239 was reported favorable in the House Appropriations Committee today.

House Bill 337 – Workers’ compensation Benefits for PTSD (Representative McFarland) – This legislation will expand PTSD benefits to 911 dispatchers and Crime Scene Investigators.

  • House Bill 337 was reported favorable in the House Appropriations Committee today.

Senate Bill 306 – Catalytic Converters (Senator Boyd) – This bill creates the "Catalytic Converter Antitheft Act"; which addresses tampering with and theft of catalytic converters.

  • Senate Bill 306 was reported favorable in the Senate Fiscal Policy Committee today.

Senate Bill 52 – Student Use of Social Media (Senator Burgess) – This legislation requires public schools to provide instruction on social media safety.

  • Senate Bill 52 was reported favorable in the Senate Fiscal Policy Committee today.

To view CFO Patronis’ 2023 “Keep Florida Free” Legislative Priorities, click HERE.



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CFO Jimmy Patronis


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