CFO Jimmy's Patronis' Seal

Press Release

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CFO Jimmy Patronis Returns $149,000 in Unclaimed Property to Moffitt Cancer Center


TAMPA, Fla. – Today, Florida Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Jimmy Patronis hosted a press conference at the Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa to award a check for $149,000 in unclaimed property to Moffitt Cancer Center and highlight October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The CFO highlighted his wife Katie Patronis’ five-year anniversary of her battle with breast cancer and encouraged Floridians to get screened. Since CFO Patronis took office in 2017, more than $2.1 billion in unclaimed property has been returned to Florida citizens and businesses.

CFO Jimmy Patronis said, “I was honored to join the amazing doctors and leadership at Moffitt Cancer Center today in Tampa to award them a check for more than $149,000 in unclaimed property. Just five years ago, I sat here beside my wife Katie at Moffitt as she underwent breast cancer surgery. Her battle with breast cancer taught me that life is precious, and October is an important time to remember all those we have tragically lost to breast cancer and all those who survived through sheer strength and God’s grace. I encourage Floridians to schedule an appointment for a breast cancer screening today. My wife is a testament that screenings save lives, as her breast cancer was caught on her first-ever screening. For those Floridians still battling breast cancer, Katie and I are praying for your health and know that victory for you and your family is on the horizon. You are not alone in this fight and know that we continue working with Florida’s incredible cancer centers like Moffitt to find solutions to combat this disease. I also encourage all Floridians to search for unclaimed property this month for themselves, their loved ones, and even their business at” 

Dr. John Cleveland, Executive Vice President, Center Director and Chief Scientific Officer at Moffitt said, “Thank you to CFO Patronis for returning $149,000 in unclaimed property to Moffitt Cancer Center today. These funds will help us continue to provide the best service possible to Moffitt patients. In recognition of October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we encourage all Floridians to make a plan to get screened early and often. At Moffitt, our unrelenting mission is to save more lives and improve outcomes. Schedule a breast cancer screening now at” 

Dr. Brian Czerniecki, Chair of the Breast Oncology Department at Moffitt said, “The Patronis’ family story is similar to many Florida families that have received a breast cancer diagnosis. Thankfully, through early screening and care from the team here at Moffitt, Katie Patronis has been cancer-free for five years. We fight for these successful outcomes every day and thank the CFO and the state of Florida for supporting cancer care, research, and our commitment to saving lives.” 


About CFO Jimmy Patronis   
Chief Financial Officer and State Fire Marshal Jimmy Patronis is a statewide elected official and a member of Florida’s Cabinet who oversees the Department of Financial Services. CFO Patronis works each day to fight insurance fraud, support Florida’s firefighters, and ensure the state’s finances are stable to support economic growth in the state. Follow the activities of the Department on Facebook (FLDFS) and Twitter (@FLDFS). 

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