CFO Seal

2020 Press Releases

Statement from CFO Jimmy Patronis on FinTech Bill

Sep 20, 2023, 09:37 by Megan Perry-Thibault
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Patronis issued the following statement on the favorable hearing of HB 1391 by Representative Jamie Grant today in the House State Affairs Committee, its last committee of reference. The bill moves next to the House floor. The legislation creates a financial technology sandbox so that technologies can be innovated, and safely deployed.
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Patronis issued the following statement on the favorable hearing of HB 1391 by Representative Jamie Grant today in the House State Affairs Committee, its last committee of reference. The bill moves next to the House floor. The legislation creates a financial technology sandbox so that technologies can be innovated, and safely deployed. 
CFO Jimmy Patronis said, “We were proud to support this legislation in committee today. By attracting high paying technology jobs to Florida, the opportunities that FinTech will provide are limitless. We’ll continue working with the Governor and Legislature to capitalize on this emerging technology, so that we can grow jobs and opportunities for families.”
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