CFO Jimmy's Patronis' Seal

Press Release

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CFO Jimmy Patronis Praises Governor DeSantis and Legislature for Building a Better, Stronger Florida

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Florida Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and State Fire Marshal Jimmy Patronis today praised Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida Legislature for their support of his 2019 legislative budget priorities. Governor DeSantis signed into law Senate Bill 2500, the General Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2019-20.
CFO and State Fire Marshal Jimmy Patronis said, “I believe in being a good steward of your tax dollars, so I am incredibly proud that we continue to find efficient ways to fund the needs of Florida families. This budget makes it clear that Governor Ron DeSantis and our Florida Legislature made supporting our first responders, fighting fraud and modernizing the state’s technology top priorities. Special thank you to our Appropriations Committee Chairs, Senator Rob Bradley, Representative Travis Cummings, Senator Debbie Mayfield and Representative Jayer Williamson. Together, we will build a better, stronger Florida.”
Fighting for a Fraud Free Florida

• $372,944: To add investigative staff for public assistance fraud to protect Florida families who need it most.
• $1.2 million: Additional resources for the fraud unit to enhance their ability to investigate insurance crimes.
Supporting Our First Responders

• $1.2 million: For resources to support our Division of Investigative and Forensic Services team and their activities, including Bomb Response and specialty towing vehicles, bomb robots, and digital x-ray systems.
• $350,000: In fixed capital outlay to support the Florida State Fire College (FSFC) for training resources and ongoing maintenance and repair projects. The FSFC serves as the epicenter of training, education, and certification for Florida’s fire service providers.
• $105,000: Funding to support the Department’s Fire and Arson Lab, to provide an emergency generator and repair and maintenance projects. This lab is the only forensic laboratory in Florida performing key specialty forensic services.
• $2.24 million: Total funding for Local Government Fire Services Projects statewide.
• $2.6 million: Total funding for Local Government Fire Services Grants statewide.
• $1 million: For the Firefighter Assistance Grant Program to improve firefighter safety and emergency response capabilities of volunteer fire departments for their communities.
• $1 million: For the University of Miami’s Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center to expand firefighters’ access to cancer screenings; enable cancer prevention and early detection; identify exposures that account for increased cancer risk; and field test new technology and methods that measure exposure in the field.
Modernizing Technology Through Innovation

• $22.7 million: The Florida Planning Accounting and Ledger Management (PALM) Project is replacing the State of Florida’s antiquated accounting and cash management system with an integrated financial management solution.
• $785,250: To protect the state’s data by fortifying and replacing outdated firewalls, improving data storage, and studying our divisions’ legacy applications for efficiencies.
• $50,000: Add an additional Bloomberg Terminal to increase our real-time analytics and performance indexes so that Florida can capitalize on the best investments for our state.
• $250,000: To update the Unclaimed Property Management Information System (UPMIS) with new technologies and increasing security to ensure monies return to their rightful owners.
• $505,000: To provide transparency to Florida local government financial reporting.
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