CFO Jimmy Patronis Pushes Florida Senate to Protect Consumers by Passing AOB Reform
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — As Senate Bill 122 passed the Rules Committee and now heads to the floor for a vote by the Florida Senate, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Jimmy Patronis urges senators to vote in favor of this important reform
to curb assignment of benefits (AOB) abuse.
CFO Jimmy Patronis said, “We continue to see bad actors taking advantage of Floridians through the abuse of AOB contracts. Just last week, my investigators arrested a contractor in Jacksonville for AOB-related crimes, and we are now learning that this contractor allegedly scammed vulnerable Panhandle residents
after Hurricane Michael.
"At the end of the day, I don’t stand with the insurance companies; I don’t stand with contractors; I don’t stand with attorneys; I stand with Florida’s homeowners on this issue. They cannot remain stuck in the middle—we must pass reform to protect Florida consumers. That’s why I’m urging every member of the Florida Senate to stand up for their constituents. The hardworking families in our state deserve your support and lawmakers can do so by voting ‘yes’ on AOB reform to help stop this mounting abusive practice.”