CFO Jimmy Patronis Urges Florida House Members to Vote ‘Yes’ on AOB Reform
TALLAHASSEE, Fla.– As the Florida House of Representatives is slated to take up House Bill 7065 today, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Jimmy Patronis urges House members to vote in favor of this meaningful reform to curb assignment of benefits abuse (AOB).
CFO Jimmy Patronis said, “It’s time to step up and pass critical reform to protect Florida consumers. We cannot kick the can down the road another year and leave homeowners stuck in the middle of the bad actors who have twisted AOB into an abusive practice for their own financial gain.
“I urge our lawmakers to show they stand by the rights of Florida’s consumers and vote ‘yes’ on AOB reform. This bill is a move in right direction, but additional loopholes, such as overbilling in the auto glass industry, need to be closed so we can protect families who call our state home.”