CFO Seal

Press Release

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CFO Patronis to Travel Insurance Companies and Agents: Pay Claims Promptly in Wake of Coronavirus

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Today, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Jimmy Patronis released the following statement after sending a letter to travel insurers and travel insurance agents statewide encouraging them to pay claims quickly in the wake of coronavirus travel cancellations. The CFO’s Division of Agent and Agency Services licenses and regulates Florida travel agents throughout the state.
CFO Jimmy Patronis said, “With the spread of COVID-19 in Florida, the United States, and the world, many Floridians travel plans have been canceled and they will be filing claims based on their travel insurance policies. I’m calling on travel insurance companies and agents to work together to pay claims promptly and remove any delays associated with the claims process. During this public health emergency, my office remains committed to ensuring Florida consumers are protected and we're closely monitoring consumer complaints. I encourage any consumer experiencing travel insurance related claims delays or issues to call my Insurance Consumer Helpline for assistance toll-free at 1-877-MY-FL-CFO (693-5236).”
View full letter below and by clicking  here.
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