CFO Jimmy's Patronis' Seal

Press Release

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Department of Financial Services COVID-19 Activity Update

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Today, the Florida Department of Financial Services (DFS) provided an update on activities regarding COVID-19.
• The agency is coordinating with division leadership and the office of information technology to promote telework opportunities.
• DFS is identifying upcoming public events and gatherings that can be rescheduled or facilitated via electronic communication.
• The Department continues coordination with fire chiefs across the state to ensure information and best practices are shared as information becomes available.
• DFS has issued a travel-freeze for non-law enforcement personnel.
• DFS is working with the Division of Emergency Management (DEM) to streamline procurement processes.
• DFS is staffing various emergency support functions at DEM.
• The CFO issued a letter to encourage travel insurance companies and agents to pay travel insurance claims quickly.
• The CFO issued a directive waiving enforcement of statutory provisions for licensed insurance professionals affording them flexibility to conduct business outside of the office.
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