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Economic Incentives

Florida competes globally to bring jobs to the state from companies that have other location options. Economic incentives are designed to address various business needs in a competitive environment. A competitive economic development project is one in which a business has identified multiple locations that can meet its needs. Incentives may be used to reduce costs associated with a site, facility, or equipment and can help facilitate the location or expansion of businesses in Florida. They are designed to promote job creation, job retention, and capital investment in Florida.

Economic Incentive Programs Resources

Largest Incentive Programs - Good Jobs First offers a searchable database of government incentives.

Economic Development Incentives Portal - Launched on October 1, 2013, the enhanced Economic Development Incentives Portal allows interactive capabilities as Florida’s Department of Economic Opportunity (FDEO) furthers its commitment to efficiency, accountability, and transparency. The Portal provides unprecedented access to the performance measurements required in economic development incentive contracts and each company’s progress toward reaching the required job creation goals. This site contains details on every non-confidential Florida economic development incentive project with an executed contract.

Search the Economic Development Incentives Portal