CFO Seal

Data Management Project

The object of the Data Management Project is to standardize and remove stale FLAIR data to provide valid and accurate information in the State’s Accounting system, therefore improving Financial Reporting and data available to the public. Completion of this project will enable system users and stakeholders to utilize uniform and clearly defined accounting information on a statewide basis. By managing agency data now, we can prepare for the future as the State transitions to a new accounting system.

Data Management Workgroups


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Revenue Standardization


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Quarterly Achievements

The Department of Financial Services is requesting that state agencies review their data in the FLAIR Information and Subsidiary files to determine if records are accurate, valid, and complete. While completing this review, a state agency may determine that an accounting record is no longer valid, accurate and complete and may need to update or delete data. Throughout this project, Quarterly Achievements will be posted to identify the data cleanup efforts made on an enterprise level.

Month End Close

FLAIR Master Balance File Cleanup Office Hours