CFO Seal

Job Aids

Printable quick reference guides for state agency personnel who perform duties related to accounting, financial reporting and FLAIR topics. Also provides vendor related quick reference guides.

This job aid provides a quick reference for the effects of debits and credits on different account types.
This job aid provides capital asset and long-term debt accounting entry examples.
This job aid provides guidance on how to extract selected data using the Transform functionality in EOS Access.
This job aid provides guidance on how to extract selected data using the Transform functionality in EOS Access.
This job aid provides guidance on using the FLAIR Master File Analysis Tool.
This resource provides keyboard shortcuts that can be used in FLAIR.
This document highlights and provides guidance for monthly activities that should be considered and completed prior to closing the month.
This job aid is to help agencies understand how to input ancillary charges in FLAIR.
This job aid provides guidance on how to review, evaluate, and take action on Property Master File records for data management.
This job aid provides guidance on how to review, evaluate, and take action on Property Pending File records for data management.
This job aid provides instructions for how log in to RDS and provides explanation for fields in the library.
This job aid provides instruction for how to use the find and search commands when viewing a report in RDS.
This job aid provides instruction for how to view reports in the RDS library and how to print reports.
This job aid provide instruction on how to access and sign into WebFocus to access Information Warehouse data.
This job aid provides a list of all component units for ACFR purposes.
This job aid provides a list of all Funds for ACFR purposes.
This job aid provides a list of all GL Codes for Discretely Presented Component Units for ACFR purposes.
This job aid provides a list of all GL Codes for Fiduciary Funds for ACFR purposes.
This job aid provides a list of all GL Codes for Governmental and Proprietary Funds for ACFR purposes.
The New Account Code (NA) function in FLAIR converts LAS/PBS codes to 29-digit account codes, adds IBI & revenue categories to account codes, & approves additions. A&A reviews/approves submissions to add new account codes to the Account Description File.
This job aid provides a list of all Statewide Expenditure Object Codes for Accounting Purposes.
This job aid provides guidance on how to review, evaluate, and take action on accounts payable records for data management.
This job aid provides steps and documentation requirements to process beneficiary payments.
This job aid provides information about the Criminal Justice Incentive Program (CJIP) payments, and how to calculate the proper CJIP payment amount when the employee has recorded Leave Without Pay (LWOP) during the pay period.
This job aid provides guidance on how to review, evaluate, and take action on confidential vendor records for data management.
This job aid provides instruction for how to search for and view employee records in the functions within the State CFO Files in FLAIR.
This job aid gives step-by-step directions to perform a search in the Employee Vendor-(VE) File using any one of the three options available: search by employee ID, search by last name, and search by social security number.
This job aid provides guidance on how to review, evaluate, and take action on encumbrance records for data management.
This resource provides keyboard shortcuts that can be used in FLAIR.
This resource provides FLAIR screen explanations and examples.
This resource provides and explains Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable transactions.
This job aid provides guidance on how to review, evaluate, and take action on revolving fund records for data management.
This job aid gives step-by-step directions to perform a search in the Vendor-Statewide File (VS) using any one of the three options available; search by vendor ID, search by vendor name, and search by W-9 name.
Information for State Agency personnel about how a vendor may submit or update Substitute Form W-9 information and how to verify a vendor’s W-9 status using MyFloridaMarketPlace (MFMP), Information Warehouse (IW) or the Vendor-Statewide File (VS) in FLAIR
This job aid provides information to State Agency personnel regarding the TIN matching process and discusses 1099 reporting and how to submit corrections to 1099 reportable payments.
Step-by-step instructions to perform searches in the Vendor History (VH) File using the available options: search by vendor number or name, search for vendor payment summary totals, search by warrant number, & search for warrant reconciliation information
This job aid provides guidance on how to review, evaluate, and take action on accounts receivable customer records for data management.
This job aid provides guidance on how to review, evaluate, and take action on accounts receivable records for data management.
FLAIR has built-in edits that prevent mixing federal and non-federal funds. This job aid provides guidance on the processing of a deposit journal containing both federal and non-federal funds.
This resource provides FLAIR screen explanations and examples.
This resource provides and explains Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable transactions.
This resource provides instructions on closing a bank account at a financial institution in Florida PALM.
This resource provides instructions on inactivating General Ledger Accounts in Florida PALM per the Treasury’s request.
This job aid provides guidance on how to review, evaluate, and take action on revolving fund records for data management.
This job aid defines contract deliverables and provides guidance on how to determine appropriate deliverables for services.
This job aid clarifies the differences between deliverables vs documentation and when each should be used.
This job aid defines financial consequences and provides guidance on how to properly apply them.
This job aid provides guidance on how to review, evaluate, and take action on project records for data management.
This job aid defines the scope of work section of a contract and provides guidance on how to write an effective scope of work.
This job aid identifies the various representations, checklists and certifications required by DFS. This information is designed to help Agency Management understand the purpose of each tool.
This job aid provides information on the Accounts Receivables Placements, Accounts Receivables Monitoring, Accounts Receivables and Property Write-Offs, and the Annual 17.20 Reporting Processes.
This job aid provides information on the Accounts Receivables Placements, Accounts Receivables Monitoring, Accounts Receivables and Property Write-Offs, and the Annual 17.20 Reporting Processes.
This job aid provides information on the Accounts Receivables Placements, Accounts Receivables Monitoring, Accounts Receivables and Property Write-Offs, and the Annual 17.20 Reporting Processes.
This job aid provides information on the Accounts Receivables Placements, Accounts Receivables Monitoring, Accounts Receivables and Property Write-Offs, and the Annual 17.20 Reporting Processes.
This job aid provides links, definitions and guidance on different items discussed in the Debt collection Workshop.
This job aid provides links, definitions and guidance on different items discussed in the Debt collection Workshop.
This job aid provides guidance on the SEFA and SWCAP process.
This job aid provides guidance on the ACFR process, guidelines, forms and other information related to the preparation of the ACFR.
This job aid provides guidance on the ACFR process, guidelines, forms and other information related to the preparation of the ACFR.
This job aid provides guidance on the GASB 87 Lease Implementation.
This job aid provides guidance on how to use the GASB Interface Tool.
This job aid provides guidance and information on how to enter leases in the GASB 87 Interface Tool.
This job aid provides guidance and information on how to enter leases in the GASB 96 Interface Tool.
This job aid provides a list of GASBs that have been implemented and will be implemented in the future.
This job aid provides an explanation of the GABS Lease Decision Tree.
This job aid provides instruction on how to complete the SEFA Workbook.
This resource provides key terms and their associated definition to assist with understanding of terms during Carry Forward and Certified Forward processing.
This job aid provides reminders about how to record accounting entries during dual year processing and tips for establishing and updating encumbrances and payables using carry forward funds.
The New Account Code (NA) function in FLAIR converts LAS/PBS codes to 29-digit account codes, adds IBI & revenue categories to account codes, & approves additions. A&A reviews/approves submissions to add new account codes to the Account Description File.
Instructions for using the CF function in FLAIR to mark, or not mark, subsidiary files on June 30th and to indicate if an agency wants a fixed capital outlay file created. Please note that choices must be made using this function by June 30 each year.
This PowerPoint training was developed to provide information on how to process FLAIR entries when deposits are not verified on June 30th.
This job aid provides guidance on how to access and run the Carry Forward Monitoring Report.
This job aid provides guidance on transactions necessary to record Debit Memos in Departmental FLAIR after June 30th that should be applied for the previous fiscal year.
This job aid provides guidance for processing transactions to record June’s interest apportionment.
This job aid provides information to vendors on where to obtain an IRS Form W-8 and where to submit that information to the State of Florida.
This job aid provides information to vendors on where to obtain information for payments using the Florida Vendor Website.