CFO Seal

Inspection Requirements by License

In addition to the inspection requirements listed below they may also be conducted at any time, of any Establishment or Facility, if the Department has cause to believe the licensee is not in compliance with Chapter 497, Florida Statutes & Related Rules


Category of License

When Inspections are Required


* Prior to licensure

* Annually

Centralized embalming facilities

* Prior to licensure

* Annually

* Moves to new location

* Change in ownership

* Major modification of facility

Cinerator facility

* Prior to licensure

* Annually

* Change of ownership 

Direct disposer establishments

* Prior to issuance of license

* Annually

* Moves to new location

* Change in ownership 

Funeral establishment

* Prior to licensure

* Annually

* Moves to new location

* Major modification to facility

* Change of ownership

Monument builder

* Before licensure

* Annually

Refrigeration facilities

* Prior to licensure

* Annually

* Change in ownership

Removal service.

* Prior to licensure

* Annually

* Change in ownership