CFO Seal

Electronic Submissions - Name and Address Change


OPTION 1: One PDF file

  • Step 1:
    • Scan and create one PDF file of the signed change form(s) and required supporting documentation
    • Save the file document with the following title: “<insert RCN> <insert Name> Name and/or Address Change”
      • RCN = Receiver Claim Number
      • Name = Name listed on the change form
      • Example:  123 1234 2 John Jones Address Change
  • Step 2:
    • Submit your information (see below)

OPTION 2: Combination of PDF and other file types

  • Step 1:
    • Scan and create one PDF file of the signed change forms and required supporting documentation
    • Save the file document with the following title: “<insert RCN> <insert Name> Name and-or Address Change”
      • RCN = Receiver Claim Number
      • Name = Name listed on the change form
      • Example:  123 1234 2 John Jones Address Change
  • Step 2:
    • Obtain electronic copies of supporting documentation not included in the Step 1 PDF
    • Save each file document with the following title: “<insert RCN><insert Name> Name and/or Address Change Attachment <insert #>”
      • RCN = Receiver Claim Number
      • Name = Name listed on the change form
      • Example:  123 1234 2 John Jones Address Change Attachment 1
      • If you have more than one attachment, number them consecutively
  • Step 3:
    • If you are able to combine all the files into one zip file, please combine them to minimize the number of files to attach to your submission
    • To create a zip file in Windows:
      • Select all the files you want to submit.
      • Right-click one of the files. A menu will appear.
      • In the menu, click “Send to” and select “Compressed (zipped) folder”.
      • Save the zip file that appears.
  • Step 4:
    • Submit your information (see below)



  • Enter your personal email address in the “From” field
  • Enter the following email address in the “To” field:
  • Enter your personal email address again in the “To” field so you will receive a copy of the email
  • Enter the following on the subject line: “<insert  RCN> <insert Name> Name and/or Address Change”
    • RCN = Receiver Claim Number
    • Name = Name listed on the change form
    • Example: 123 1234 2 John Jones Address Change
  • Add a brief message regarding the total number of files attached
    • Example:  Number of files attached = 1
    • Note: A zip file containing multiple documents will only be 1 attachment.


  • Click the radio button to send the file securely
  • Complete the ‘captcha’ request



  • Select Upload to attach the file(s) you are intending to submit.
  • Validate that each uploaded file shows more than 0.00 KB/MB/GB, etc. If a file shows 0.00, it means the file did not upload.
  • The maximum file size that can be submitted in one email is 2GB.



  • Select the Drop Files Off button to send the file(s) to
  • Retain a copy of the email that you receive that was sent to your personal email.
  • Retain a copy of the "successful send receipt" which confirms that your email was delivered.
    • NOTE:  If you are sending multiple emails from the same email address you may only receive a “successful send receipt” for the first email submission.


Please note that the Florida Receiver email listed above is for Name and/or Address Change Submissions only and is not used for general communications.

Any other inquiries should be submitted by contacting the Department using this link:  Contact Us | Receivership Services Portal (  The Department will review your inquiry and contact you accordingly.  You also may contact the Department by calling (850) 413-3081 or toll free at 1-800-882-3054.  Your inquiry will be directed to the appropriate staff member for review and handling.