CFO Seal

Public Records Requests

The Florida Department of Financial Services, Division of Rehabilitation and Liquidation (“Receiver”) administers insurance companies that are placed into receivership by the court.

Many easily accessible records are available online.

The Receiver posts public information, including financial reports, court documents, general claims information and general policy information regarding companies currently or formerly in receivership. Before making a public records request, please review the list of companies that are in rehabilitation or liquidation and the companies that have been closed to see what information is already available at no charge.

Who can make a public records request?

Any person can make a request for public records. Note that you do not have to give your name or explain why you are making a request; however, providing this information may make it easier for the Receiver to assist you. You are also not required to submit a request for public records in writing.

How do I request a public record?

You may make a public records request in a number of ways:


By U.S. Mail to:
Records Clerk, Legal Services
325 John Knox Road
Atrium Building, Suite 101 Tallahassee, Florida 32303

By Telephone (Florida-only) at 1 (800) 882-3054

By Telephone (All others) at (850) 413-3081

What process does the Receiver follow for responding to public records requests?

The Receiver will acknowledge your request as soon as possible upon receipt. The Receiver will then review the request, locate the applicable records, and fulfill the request within a reasonable period of time, unless such information is considered under the law to be confidential or exempt from public records disclosure. If some or all of the requested information is determined to be confidential or exempt, you will be formally notified.

How long does it take to receive the records?

The time to fulfill a public records request will vary depending upon the particular record or records requested and the scope of the request. In order to help us provide you the best response to your request, you should carefully consider what records you want to review or copy.

Will I be charged a fee?

Many public records requests can be produced and fulfilled electronically and can be completed without charge. However, Florida law allows a reasonable special service charge for public records requests that require an extensive use of Receiver resources. This special service charge will apply when Receiver staff must spend more than four hours to research your request, compile the responsive records, and redact confidential or exempt information. Special service charges are intended to cover all personnel costs incurred in responding to a public records request.

If you request hard copies of public records, the cost is $0.15 per one-sided page and $0.20 for each two-sided page. For all other copies, you must pay the actual cost of duplication of the public record. In addition to the copying fees, the actual postage costs must also be paid. To avoid postage costs, copies of the requested documents may be picked up in person at the Receiver’s office in Tallahassee.

An estimate of any applicable charges will be provided to you before the Receiver processes your request. You must pay all charges before the requested public records are processed and delivered to you.

Can I view documents at the Division of Rehabilitation and Liquidation offices?

Yes, instead of public records being delivered electronically or copied and delivered to you, you may request an appointment to inspect records at the Division of Rehabilitation and Liquidation offices in Tallahassee. Appointments must be made in advance, and will be scheduled at any reasonable time. Special service charges, as described above, will apply to on-site document viewing. Requests should follow the procedure outlined above and allow a reasonable amount of time for Receiver staff to compile the requested information.