CFO Seal

Firefighter Line-of-Duty Death (LODD) Resources

Line-of-Duty-Death Notification

The Division of the State Fire Marshal provides this information with the fervent hope and continued dedication to safety that it will never be used.

Report a Line-of-Duty Death to the State Fire Marshal Safety and Health Program Section, as soon as possible, at (352) 369-2836.

State of Florida Line-of-Duty-Death Benefits


Every firefighter employer, as defined in statute, is liable for the payment of line of duty death and catastrophic injury benefits set forth in Florida Statute 112.191.

The firefighter employer must be either self-insured or secure insurance to ensure the benefit payments. The benefits set forth in Section 112.191, Florida Statutes, are in addition to any workers compensation or pension benefits to which the beneficiary may be entitled. Contact the firefighter's department for details and procedures.


The Workers' Compensation Benefit may be available to either Career or Volunteer Firefighters. The definition of employment includes firefighters responding to or assisting with fire or medical emergencies whether or not the firefighters are on duty. The Workers' Compensation "acting within the course of employment" is located within Florida Statute 440.091, and the Workers' Compensation "for death" is located within Florida Statute 440.16.


Division of Workers Compensation
Department of Financial Services
200 East Gaines Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4228
(800) 342-1741 or (850) 413-1609


A deceased firefighter's spouse and children may be eligible to obtain the waiver of certain educational expenses while obtaining a career certificate, undergraduate or postgraduate education at a State of Florida public school. The authority for this can be found in Florida Statute 112.191.

Each public educational facility has its own procedures and requirements for obtaining these waivers. The deceased firefighter's spouse and/or children should contact the student financial affairs office of the educational facility they are interested in or currently attending for further details.

Should you have any questions or require further information do not hesitate to contact the Safety Programs Manager, Susan Schell, at: or (352) 369-2836.


Most Career and Volunteer State, Municipal, and Special District Firefighters are covered under the Firefighters Pension Trust Fund. The contact information for the MPOFRTF is provided below. However, some Florida jurisdictions have independent and/or supplementary plans or annuities for their Firefighters, and for these you would have to contact the local authorities. Firefighter pension beneficiaries are covered in 175.181, F.S. and death benefits prior to retirement are covered in 175.201, F.S. The rule information about pension beneficiaries is located in 60S-4, F.A.C. (Benefits), and the Benefits Payable Upon Death are specifically located in 60S-4.008. F.A.C..


Municipal Police Officers' and Firefighters Retirement Trust Funds Office Division of Retirement
P. O. Box 3010
Tallahassee, Florida 32315-3010
(877) 738-6737

Federal Line-of-Duty-Death Benefits

Line-of-Duty-Death Resources

Model Programs

If you have experienced a Line-of-Duty Death and you need assistance, contact the Safety Program Office of the Bureau of Fire Standards and Training at (352) 369-2836.

Fallen Firefighter Memorial