CFO Seal
Live Fire Training Instructor
Definitions and Roles


AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION (AHJ): An organization, office, or individual responsible for enforcing the requirements of a code or standard, or for approving equipment, materials, an installation, or a procedure.

EVOLUTION: A set of prescribed actions that result in an effective fire ground activity.

INSTRUCTOR: An individual certified by the State of Florida to deliver firefighter training, who has the experience and training to supervise students during live fire training evolutions.

INSTRUCTOR IN CHARGE (IIC): An individual qualified as an instructor and designated by the AHJ to be “in charge” of live fire training.

LIVE FIRE: Any unconfined open flame or device that can propagate fire to the building, structure, or other combustible materials.

LIVE FIRE ADJUNCT TRAINER (LFAT): Any person formally identified as actually leading a crew inside a structure, or in the immediate proximity of an exterior prop and immediately supervising such live fire training operations.

LIVE FIRE TRAINING INSTRUCTOR (LFTI): Any person that meets the requirements for LFTI, who functions as a primary instructor, IIC or SO.

LIVE FIRE TRAINING INSTRUCTOR 2 (LFTI 2): Any person that meets all the requirements for LFTI and has completed the Live Fire Training Instructor Task Book process with a Live Fire Master Trainer at a Certified Fire Training Center, who can instruct the LFAT and LFTI programs.

LIVE FIRE MASTER TRAINER (LFMT): Any person certified as a LFTI 2 and designated by the Director of a Certified Training Center, or Fire Chief, to oversee the Live Fire Training Instructor course at that facility; sometimes referred to as “Burn Master.”

PASS: Personal alert safety system

PERSONNEL ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT (PAR): A report requested by and communicated to the IIC from fire crews operating as to their location and situation.

PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE): The full complement of garments firefighters shall wear while participating in a live fire evolution, including turnout coat, trousers, fire boots, hood, gloves, and a helmet with eye protection; an SCBA and PASS device.

SAFETY OFFICER (SO): An individual appointed by the AHJ as qualified to maintain a safe working environment at all live fire training evolutions.

SCBA: Self-contained breathing apparatus

SHALL: A mandatory requirement

STUDENT: Any person who is present at the live fire training evolution for the purpose of receiving training.



Any Live Fire Training must be conducted with a properly certified instructor employed by or as a volunteer of a fire department or a training center in compliance with Rule69A-37.060, F.A.C. Individuals must be a member of, or sponsored by, the agency for which they will utilize LFTI, LFTI 2 and LFAT certification, such as a Certified Training Center or Fire Department.


A qualified LFAT is permitted to lead crews, operate safety lines, and perform in all other positions during Live Fire Training, except Instructor in Charge or Safety Officer.

  • A certified LFTI shall: monitor and supervise assigned students, no more than five per instructor; inspect students’ PPE; account for assigned students, both before and after evolutions.
  • Only LFTI 2 shall instruct the LFAT and LFTI programs.


An Instructor in Charge shall: plan and coordinate all training activities; monitor activities to ensure safe practices; inspect training structure integrity prior to each fire; assign instructors; brief instructors on responsibilities; assign coordinating personnel as needed; ensure adherence to procedures and standards by all persons within the training area.

  • A Safety Officer shall: prevent unsafe acts; eliminate unsafe conditions; intervene and terminate unsafe acts; supervise additional safety personnel as needed; coordinate lighting of fires with IIC; ensure compliance of participants’ PPE; ensure all participants are accounted for, PAR, both before and after each evolution.
  • A Student shall: acquire prerequisite training; become familiar with building layout; wear approved PPE; obey all instructions and safety rules.


The Master Trainer shall document and maintain all records for LFAT, LFTI, and LFTI 2personnel for the organization or department they represent, to ensure certified personnel are being utilized for live fire training evolutions. Records shall include dates, type of fire scenario, position acted or involved with fire evolution, classes taught by LFTI 2, and any other pertinent information deemed necessary by the AHJ.