CFO Seal

Live Fire Training Instructor I

(Certificate of Competency)


(Revision Date March 12, 2019)

Overview: To provide a process for certifying and recertifying individuals conducting live fire training evolutions, and ensure all activities are conducted in safe facilities and the exposure to health and safety hazards for the firefighters involved and receiving the training is minimized. Live fire training is intended to provide the safest and best experience possible under both realistic and controlled circumstances.

To qualify for certification as a Live Fire Instructor I, the applicant shall:

  • Be a Florida Certified Firefighter
  • Be a Florida Certified Instructor I, II or III
  • Successfully complete 40 hours of basic certification training.
  • Documentation of training is to be submitted with the required application.
  • Pass a state written examination with a score of 85% or higher.

Live Fire Instructor Definitions and Roles

LFTI Definitions and Roles  IMPORTANT!!

LFTI Certification and Renewal Requirements overview


(Effective July 1, 2013, certification courses must appear on student's Course History at or submit for course equivalency)

Additional Information for certification:

Florida Statutes (FS)/Florida Administrative Code (FAC)

Renewal Required


Renewal Requirements

For quadrennial renewal of LFTI, an individual shall complete an application on-line and pay a FEE for the certification applied.

A person is required to complete the 8 hour LFTI refresher course and must submit the Verification of Participation in Live Fire Training indicating:

1) Participation as a primary instructor, IIC or SO; and




Not Required

Task Book


Test Required


For testing information, review the PearsonVue Candidate Handbook and PearsonVue Exam Content Outline
Application Fee $30.00

(Renewal Fee $15.00)

Apply for Examination Log in to FCDICE Student Portal

Applicable towards the following National Accreditation(s):

Information on how to Print State Certifications, and Pro-Board Applications Click Here