CFO Seal

Online Training Programs

Online Course Approval Process

The Division of the State Fire Marshal (Division) has established a THREE STEP process for the review and approval of online or blended delivery courses that lead to a Florida Fire Service Certification. A listing of the courses that lead to Florida Fire Service Certifications can be found here.

APPROVED COURSE DELIVERY FORMATS: Before submitting a course for review, examine this Approved Delivery Formats chart to determine if the course must be taught in a Blended or Traditional Format.

The FIRST STEP is to view the Bureau of Fire Standards and Training (BFST) Online/Blended Course Evaluation Guidelines document which is intended to help instructors create and facilitate well-designed online/blended courses. The Guidelines outline specific features of online/blended courses and recommend ways to design, deliver, and improve courses. The Guidelines also identify the key features of courses and gives suggestions on how to implement each one in a course. Not all Guidelines will apply in every course. 

View the Online/Blended Course Evaluation Guidelines

The SECOND STEP is to perform a "self-review" to see how your course matches up to the BFST Guidelines. Spending a little extra time on this very important step will help ensure that the approval process moves along smoothly!

The THIRD STEP is to submit a Request to Offer Courses in Online/Blended Format Worksheet. You must submit a separate worksheet for each course your submit for approval to:

View the Worksheet in MSWord Format (Version 2.1 - Revised JUN 2020)

View the Worksheet in PDF Format (Version 2.1 - Revised JUN 2020)

Additional information regarding the approval process can be found on the worksheet.


Regionally/Nationally Accredited Colleges and Universities are NOT required to follow the process listed above. To obtain Bureau of Fire Standards and Training (BFST) course approval, Regionally/Nationally Accredited Colleges and Universities shall submit a letter to the BFST from the Program Dean listing the certification courses they intend to teach in an online/blended format.

Listing of Approved Online Courses/Training Providers:

The following links identify online courses in programs of study leading to a Florida Fire Certification that have been approved by the Bureau of Fire Standards and Training.

  1. Training Providers offering BFST Approved Distance Learning Courses

  2. College/Universities offering BFST Approved Distance Learning Courses