CFO Seal

Fraud and Scams

Everyone is susceptible to fraud, scams and identity theft. The risk is increased for military personnel, and veterans due to frequent moves, oversea deployments and the transition to civilian life. Fraudsters and scammers use a variety of ways to try and steal your money, but every theft begins with gaining access to your personal financial information. Reduce your risk by employing the three D’s of identity protection: Deter, Detect and Defend.

Scams That Target Military Servicemembers and Veterans
Sharing your experience and knowledge about fraud and scams empowers others to speak up. Protect yourself, family, friends and community by reporting fraud, scams and bad business practices at Below are resources to help you prevent and deal with identity theft.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - Office of Servicemember Affairs (OSA)

Servicemembers should be able to accomplish their mission without worrying about illegal or harmful financial practices. The Office of Servicemembers Affairs is here to ensure that military personnel and their families have a voice at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Federal Trade Commission - Military Consumer Protection

The Federal Trade Commission recognizes the unique challenges servicemembers and their families face managing their finances and personal information. Servicemembers are at an increased risk for identity theft because of frequent moves and overseas deployment. Here you will find information to protect your identity.

Florida Office of the Attorney General

The Florida Office of the Attorney General designed an identity theft kit to help you through the process of resolving your identity theft case and clearing your name. As soon as you become aware that your identity has been misused, it is important that you keep track of the action you take and retain a record of your progress.

Internal Revenue Service Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN)

Request an IP PIN for an added layer of protection against identity theft. This 6-digit IP PIN is assigned to eligible taxpayers and helps prevent the misuse of their Social Security number on fraudulent federal income tax returns.

Military One Source

Military One Source is a Department of Defense funded program providing a variety of information on every aspect of military life. Topics include, but are not limited to; deployment, finances, spouse employment, children services and education.