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Financial institutions that are defined as a qualified public depository (QPD) in section 280.02(26), Florida Statutes, as a bank, savings bank or savings association shall:

  • Make copies of the Department’s My Money Program brochure available, upon the request of the consumer, at its principal place of business and each branch office located in Florida which has in-person teller services by having copies of the brochure available or having the capability to print a copy of the brochure from the Department’s website.

  • Provide on its website, a hyperlink to the Department’s My Money Program website.

A participating QPD is not subject to civil liability arising from the distribution or non-distribution of the My Money Program or program website information. The contents of the brochure or the program website information may not be attributed to a participating QPD by virtue of its distribution and do not constitute financial or investment advice by, nor create a fiduciary duty on the participating QPD to the recipient.

References: FL HB 7003 | News

Download Required Materials

Please use the high resolution logo, program brochure and corresponding language to link to the My Money Program and its contents. You may also submit a request for 100 printed brochures by completing the request form below.

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