Sources of Income and Savings - Employment
Having a job is great! There are many state agencies and other organizations that may help you find the right job or help you learn the skills you need to get the right job. Being employed means that you get paid for work that you do. When you have a job, this is a source of income!
Florida Resources
In Florida, the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation provides services through Vocational Rehabilitation and the Division of Blind Services. These services may be able to help you get ready for a job, find a job and keep a job. The Agency for Persons with Disabilities may also be able to help you.
Services provided by Vocational Rehabilitation include:
- Pre-employment services while in high school, including job experiences;
- Training and education after high school;
- Career counseling;
- Job placement, coaching and training;
- Supported employment;
- Assistive technology and more!
Vocational Rehabilitation may be able to help you if:
- You have a disability that makes it difficult to find the right job
- Need training in order to get a job
- Receive Supplemental Security Income or Social Security Disability Insurance
Click here to start your Customer Referral Form (English) ▶
Referido Cliente (Español) ▶
The Division of Blind Services administers a Vocational Rehabilitation program for individuals with visual disabilities. If you are blind or visually impaired, the Division of Blind Services offers these additional programs, along with existing Vocational Rehabilitation programs.
The Division of Blind Services provides:
- Training on how to use and travel with a white cane or other devices;
- Low vision aids and devices;
- Training on assistive technology;
- Training on reading Braille;
- Assistance with job modifications.
To get help from Blind Services, click here to complete an application.
Talking Books Library Program:
Florida residents may apply for reading materials through the Bureau of Braille and Talking Books Library. Click here to learn more about the Talking Books Library Program and how to apply for services. Materials are available to download. You must have a high-speed internet connection to be able to download materials.
The Agency for Persons with Disabilities may be able to help you if you are eligible.
What can the Agency help me with?
- Help you find a job if the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation is not able to help you.
- Help you keep your job by paying for job coaching services.
To apply for services from the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, submit an application to the office that serves your area. Click here to find out which office is closest to you.
You can submit your application for services by mail or by hand delivery. Click here to learn more about the application process and to get a copy of the application form.
Federal Resources
The Ticket to Work program is for people who are 18 to 64 years old and who are blind or have a disability.
Services provided by the Ticket to Work program include:
- Benefits and Work Incentives counseling;
- Job or career planning and counseling;
- Training programs;
- Ongoing employment support and more!

- Call 1-866-968-7842 to see if you can use the Ticket to Work Program.
- If you are able to use the program, you will be mailed a list of service providers from the Ticket to Work Office.
- Choose a service provider that fits your needs. This can be an employment network or a state Vocational Rehabilitation agency. Click here if you need help choosing a service provider.
- Work together with your service provider on your work goals and write them down. Click here to use a worksheet that may help you with setting your work goals.
- If you need help, call the Ticket to Work Help Line at 1-866-968-7862. Someone will be able to help you Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. in the morning until 8:00 p.m. at night, Eastern Standard Time. The hours of operation may change over time. Visit the Ticket to Work Contact page for current Help Line hours.
The Ticket to Work program has other programs called Work Incentives that can help you figure out which job or what kind of work is best for you while still receiving government benefits, this is called a Trial Work Period.
Anytime that you have questions about going back to work or getting a new job it is important to call the Ticket to Work Help Line at:
1-866-968-7842 or 1-866-833-2967 (TTY) Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. in the morning until 8:00 p.m. at night, Eastern Standard Time. The hours of operation may change over time. Visit the Ticket to Work Contact page for current Help Line hours. Click here to learn more about the Ticket to Work Program and its services.
Other Resources
Disability Rights Florida assists people with disabilities who receive government benefits so that they can overcome barriers to employment, get a job and keep a job.
Disability Rights Florida services include:
- Information and Referral Services
- Advocacy Services
- Legal Representation
Request assistance from Disability Rights Florida by:
Toll free 1-800-342-0823 | TTY 1-800-346-4127
Online at:
Disability Rights Florida also offers two programs that can help you with your government benefits or help you sign-up for the services that you need.
Disability Rights Florida’s Client Assistance Program (CAP) was established to help with any questions, problems or concerns related to services provided by Vocational Rehabilitation agencies. CAP staff can give advice and provide clarification or assistance with the services provided by the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation or the Division of Blind Services.
If you are not getting the services that you need, CAP staff can work with you and Vocational Rehabilitation to help resolve the problem. They may also help you with an appeal such as an Administrative Review or Fair Hearing. Services are free and confidential. CAP is independent of all state agencies providing services to individuals with disabilities.
The PABSS program was established under the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act of 1999. The purpose of this project, funded by the Social Security Administration, is to protect people with disabilities who receive government benefits and who want to return to work. Disability Rights Florida can assist and support you in overcoming barriers to employment.
Services provided include:
Other Ways to Find a Job
There are many ways that you can find a job that you like. If you are looking for a job, you are called a jobseeker! You can use these websites even if you do not receive government benefits.
The Department of Economic Opportunity oversees CareerSource Florida centers. These centers can help Florida residents find jobs and help businesses hire people with disabilities. Click here to find the center closest to you.
Important Things to Remember:
- You can only make a certain amount of income if you still want to receive your government benefits, but don’t let that stop you!
- If you want to work or go back to work and you receive government benefits, it is important that you contact the Social Security Administration (SSA) right away. Call the SSA at 1-800-772-1213 or 1-800-325-0778 (TTY) for assistance. Click here to find a Social Security Office close to where you live.
- The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation can still be a resource for you even if you are not receiving government benefits.