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2022 Newsletters

Inflation is a problem

Sep 20, 2023, 09:37 by User Not Found

This week, I issued a statement on the March Inflation numbers released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics. Alarmingly, inflation stands at 8.5%, a 40-year record high which has obviously affected the cost of goods for every American. Here in Florida, under the guidance of Governor DeSantis and the Florida Legislature, we have combatted increasing costs on households through gas tax cuts and our home hardening initiative. We have done far more than Washington. I have always believed in hoping for the best while preparing for the worst, and if our country is about to enter a recession, Florida needs to be prepared to weather this storm.

inflation 40-year high depiction

This week I also announced the arrest of seven individuals in Miami, and one in Immokalee, for two different fraud insurance schemes. Unfortunately, we have a lot of these bad actors in Florida, and it is essential that we catch them, because their actions effect all of us. These crimes drive up insurance rates for all Floridians, and I am thankful for our anti-fraud teams that are working hard to prevent this from happening.

On Thursday, I celebrated Military Saves Month by encouraging all Florida military members to pay off their debt, and to maintain an achievable savings plan. We love our Veterans in this state, and in response for their service to this country, I am fully committed to making sure they have the correct resources available to ensure financial stability for their future.

Lastly, I recognized April as World Autism Month with the launch of our new Insurance Resources webpage which has vital resources for all who are affected by autism. I also issued a proclamation recognizing April as World Autism Month. Autism awareness is essential, and I am proud that in Florida there is now a one-stop-shop site where people with Autism can be helped in reaching their full potential.

Have a great weekend and a Happy Easter!


Jimmy Patronis' signature

Jimmy Patronis
Chief Financial Officer
State of Florida

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