CFO Jimmy's Patronis' Seal

Agencies and Firms

Agency & Adjusting Firm Licensing Requirements Any business location that an individual uses to perform a function that requires an agent license must be licensed as an insurance agency. If you are an agent with a place of business in connection with your residence and have complied with Florida Statute 626.749, you are required to obtain an agency license for that location, unless exempt by Florida Statute 626.112(7)(a).

Any business location that an individual uses to perform a function that requires an adjuster license must be licensed as an adjusting firm. If you are an adjuster with a place of business in connection with your residence, you are required to obtain an adjusting firm license for that location, unless exempt by Florida Statute 626.112(9)(a).


The following changes can be made within MyProfile:

  • Add a branch location or apply for a branch license
    Note: Branch locations or licenses can be added upon the issuance of the parent license.
  • Primary location address, phone, and email address change
  • Branch location address and phone change
  • Agent-in-charge add/termination
  • Officer/Owner change
  • Remove branch location

Any physical branch location transacting under the same name and FEIN must be, depending on the type of agency/firm license, licensed or listed as a branch location. For example, insurance agencies have a branch locations list and warranty firms have branch location licenses.

  • Branch licenses are applied through and maintained within the MyProfile account of the licensed parent location.
  • Branch locations list are maintained within the MyProfile account of the licensed parent location.

Documentation of the change must be submitted to the department within 30 days from the change, and documentation must be from the Florida Division of Corporation or the equivalent Division in the agency/firm's home state. The documentation must be uploaded via the agency/firm's MyProfile account or sent to

Agency/Firm licenses that require officer/owner background checks will require the same background check on any newly listed officers/owners. This does not apply to current officers that have changed positions.

Please note that if you sell your insurance agency, you can arrange for the business name, assets, liabilities, building and equipment to transfer to the new owner as part of the sale, however, neither your license nor appointment is transferable. A license or appointment issued under the Florida Insurance Code is valid only to the person or entity named and is not transferable to another person. Please see s.626.441,F.S.

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