CFO Seal

Opening a Bail Bond Agency

So, you’re thinking about opening your own bail bond agency?

Well, before you open the doors for the first time, a review of the laws and rules affecting bail bond agents and the operation of Florida bail bond agencies is important. After all, you want to create and maintain a successful agency. Insurance laws are located in Title XXXVII of the Florida Statutes and predominantly in Chapter 69B of the Florida Administrative Code. Specifically, Chapters 648 and 903 should be reviewed by all bail bond agents.

Here’s a quick overview of laws and procedures that new (and not-so-new) agents frequently inquire about, along with the applicable cites, for opening and operating a bail bond agency. If that's not for you, maybe you want to check out the guidelines for opening a general insurance agency and a title insurance agency. Coming soon: adjusting firms.

Owning a bail bond agency

A person may not own or have any control in a bail bond agency unless they are a licensed and appointed bail bond agent. Since the Florida Statutes limit who may be a licensed bail bond agent, the following persons would not be allowed to be a bail bond agency owner nor be employed at a bail bond agency. [s. 648.285 and ss. 648.44(2) F.S.]

  • Jailers or persons employed in any jail
  • Police officers or employees of a law enforcement agency
  • Judges, employees of a court, or employees of the clerk of any court
  • Sheriffs and deputy sheriffs or employees of any sheriff’s department
  • Attorneys
  • Persons having the power to arrest or persons who have authority over or control of prisoners
  • Any person who has been convicted or pleaded guilty or no contest to a felony or a crime involving moral turpitude
Have questions? You may find the answers you are looking for by reading our frequently asked questions.

Obtaining Forms

You may download forms on our website.

Please make sure you view these references:

Florida Statute sections

648.285 Bond agency; ownership requirements
648.29 Build-up funds posted by bail bond agent
648.295 Reporting and accounting of funds
648.33 Bail bond rates
648.36 Bail bond agent's records
648.42 Registration of bail bond agents
648.44 Prohibitions; penalty
648.441 Furnishing supplies to unlicensed bail bond agent prohibited
648.442 Collateral security
648.55 All bail bond agents of same agency; licensed by same companies
648.571 Failure to return collateral; penalty

Florida Administrative Code rules

69B-221.095 Soliciting Business
69B-221.110 Premium Shall Be Term Charge; Premium Refund; When
69B-221.145 Use of Credit Cards and Cash Advance Facilities in Conjunction with Issuing Bail Bonds

Good luck with your new agency!

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