CFO Seal

Transfer or Surrender of License

Transfer of License

Any individual licensed in good standing in another state may apply to the department to have the license transferred to this state to obtain a Florida resident all lines adjuster license or agent license for the same lines of authority covered by the license in the other state. A transfer of license may exempt you from a pre-licensing prerequisite and/or state examination if you completed it previously in your home state and/or your prior home state was a reciprocal state. Agents are defined as Property, Casualty, Life including Variable Annuity and Health.

This does not include Surplus Lines in non-reciprocal states, Title, Customer Representatives, Limited Customer Representatives, Service Representatives, and Bail Bond agents.

Requirements for Agent Transfer

To qualify for a license based on the transfer of license option, an applicant must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Become a resident of Florida.
  • Has held a valid resident license with the equivalent line of authority for one (1) continuous year prior to applying for a license in Florida.
  • Submit the application for the license and pay the appropriate fees within 90 days of becoming a resident of Florida. [Apply using MyProfile]
  • Submit a set of fingerprints. [See Fingerprint Requirements]

If you do not meet all of the requirements listed above or are a surplus lines agent in a non-reciprocal state, you must qualify as a first-time applicant. First-time applicants must meet a prelicensing prerequisite and/or pass the state examination, if required.
[626.292 & 626.015, F.S.]

Life & Health prelicensing educational reciprocity
Surplus lines license reciprocity

Requirements for Adjuster Transfer

To qualify for an all lines adjuster license based on the transfer of license option, an applicant must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Become a resident of Florida.
  • Held a valid all lines or Property/Casualty adjuster license in a reciprocal state for one (1) continuous year prior to applying for a license in Florida; OR
  • Held an all lines or Property/Casualty adjuster license in a non-reciprocal state for one (1) continuous year prior to applying for a license in Florida AND the license was obtained by passing an exam. (Must provide proof of passing exam.)
  • Submit the application for the license and pay the appropriate fees within 90 days of becoming a resident of Florida. [Apply using MyProfile]
  • Submit a set of fingerprints. [See Fingerprint Requirements]

If you do not meet the requirements listed above, you must qualify as a first-time applicant. First-time applicants must pass the state examination or complete a Florida-approved adjuster designation courses. [626.292 & 626.015, F.S.]

Surrender of License

To voluntarily surrender your license, please log in to your MyProfile account.

Alternatively, you may send a letter to the Bureau of Licensing stating that you wish to surrender your license.

Please include the following:

  • Name
  • Florida License ID Number
  • Mailing address
  • Telephone number
  • Enclose your Florida insurance license ID or a statement indicating that you do not have the ID
  • Signature of the licensee
  • Copy of a government-issued photo identification

The letter can be emailed to the Department at:

Or mailed to:

Florida Department of Financial Services
Division of Insurance Agent and Agency Services
Bureau of Licensing
200 East Gaines St.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0319

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