CFO Seal

Investigations Section

The Investigations Section is accredited by the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation and inquires into cases involving DFS employees and/or DFS contractors when allegations of misconduct are received by the Office of Inspector General (OIG). When complaints are made against law enforcement officers for alleged misconduct, the Inspector General (IG) investigators are required to comply with the Law Enforcement Bill of Rights (F.S. 112.532-112.534), the Firefighter Bill of Rights (F.S. 112.82-112.84), and, in some cases, the Police Benevolent Association Union Contract, or the Florida State Fire Service Agreement. By law, law enforcement cases are considered confidential until an investigative report is published or disciplinary action occurs, whichever is later.

Some of the complaints received by the OIG do not rise to the level of an IG investigation. These complaints are referred to division management for appropriate action and monitored by the OIG. Conversely, management support cases are opened by the OIG when division management requests assistance.

Some complaints do not contain sufficient information to warrant opening an investigation. The Investigations Section will then open a preliminary investigation to do some fact gathering to help the OIG determine whether the issue necessitates an investigation, referred to management, or be closed out.


File a Complaint
Report DFS Employee Misconduct

Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation

By being accredited through the Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation (CFA), the OIG Investigations Section has proven to meet specific requirements and prescribed standards for certification by an independent reviewing authority. This designation means that the OIG Investigations Section has been recognized as maintaining the highest standards of professionalism, excellence, and competence and operates within industry standards by practicing best management practices.

The Accreditation Process

  • An OIG must apply to participate in the CFA accreditation process.
  • The OIG will be required to demonstrate compliance with all applicable standards.
  • Proof of compliance with the standards is determined by an assessment team sent by the CFA, conducting an on-site review of the OIG's own policies, procedures, and practices.
  • OIGs remain accredited for a period of three years. After the three-year period, they must be re-accredited.

Much of the above information was derived from the CFA. For further information about accreditation and the accreditation process, please visit the Florida Accreditation website at:



Whistle-Blower complaints (Florida Statutes ยง 112.3187-112.31895) are different and are reserved for the most serious issues -- substantial danger to public health, safety and welfare or gross mismanagement, waste of funds, or neglect by a Department of Financial Services employee. Routine personnel issues or general complaints are not a proper subject matter for whistle-blower complaints.

Florida Statutes § 112.3187-112.31895

If you believe you have a substantial issue that needs to be reported, please review the Whistle-blower Fact Sheet and then use of the following methods of filing the complaint:

  • Call the Chief Inspector General’s Whistle-Blower's toll-free Hotline: 1-800- 543-5353 or (850) 922-1060 (in Tallahassee)
  • Call the DFS OIG’s Office:  (850) 413-3112; or
  • Email us at: