CFO Jimmy's Patronis' Seal


Company Information

Company Demographic Information
Name of Company:
Case Number:98 4098
Guaranty Association:
Health Maintenance Organization Consumer Assistance Plan
Type of Coverage:
Health Maintenance Organization
State of Domicile:
Status of Receivership:
Important Receivership Dates
Date of Rehabilitation:
Date of Liquidation:
July 24, 1998
Policy Cancellation Date:N/A
Claims Filing Deadline:
July 23, 1999
Objection Deadline:
See Below
Date of Discharge:
June 30, 2013

Receivership History
Champion Healthcare, Inc. was placed in liquidation on July 24, 1998. Proof of claim forms were mailed in March 1999 and the claims filing deadline was July 23, 1999. The First Interim Report on Claims was filed with the Second Judicial Circuit Court in and for Leon County, Florida ("Court") in the estate of Champion Healthcare, Inc. ("Champion"). On January 11, 2010, the Court issued an order approving the report. A total of 1,050 claims were filed in the Champion estate. Claims in Classes 1 through Class 6 were evaluated but there was no evaluation completed for claims in Class 7 through Class 10 due to limited assets in this estate. On January 26, 2010, notices were mailed to claimants. The notice informed them of the Receiver's recommendations concerning the classification and amount of their claim, along with instructions on how to proceed if a claimant objected to the recommendations. Objections are required to be filed by the claimant, in writing, with both the Court and the Receiver and postmarked by March 5, 2010. Objections filed after that date will not be considered. The first distribution of assets in this receivership, representing 100% of Class 1, 2, and 3 claims occurred on July 5, 2012. The Receiver obtained a release from the US Department of Justice on January 7, 2013 that allowed a final distribution of the remaining estate assets to occur. On March 15, 2013, the court issues the Order Approving Receiver's Motion for Approval of Final Claims Report, Claims Distribution Report and Authorizing Distribution. On March 27, 2013, the final distribution checks were mailed. This distribution paid 100% of Class 4 and 21.49% of Class 6 claims. No further distributions are anticipated, and the estate is scheduled to be closed by the end of June 2013.

Estate Closed

The Department was discharged of all of its responsibilities in administering this estate and the estate was closed at 11:59 PM on June 30, 2013.