CFO Seal

Pump Operator

(Certificate of Competency)


(Revision Date September 27, 2012)

To be certified as a Pump Operator in the State of Florida, an individual must successfully complete 80 hours of basic certification training for Apparatus and Pump Operators, or have received equivalent training in another state, and pass a state written examination.

Documentation of training is to be submitted with the required Application for Pump Operator Certification Examination on FCDICE online or by mail (DFS-K4-1457 PDF or DFS-K4-1457 Word), Personal Inquiry Waiver (DFS-K4-1020), along with all other supporting documents and processing fee, at least 10 business days prior to the scheduled test date.



(Effective July 1, 2013, certification courses must appear on student's Course History at or submit for course equivalency)

Additional Information for certification:

Florida Statutes (FS)/Florida Administrative Code (FAC)

Renewal Required


Renewal Requirements



Not Required

Task Book

Not Required

Test Required


For testing information, review the PearsonVue Candidate Handbook and PearsonVue Exam Content Outline
Application Fee $30.00
Apply for Examination Log in to FCDICE Student Portal

Applicable towards the following National Accreditation(s):

Information on how to Print State Certifications, and Pro-Board Applications Click Here