General Insurance Coverage FAQs
Disclaimer: The answers to coverage questions are primarily based on ISO forms generally used in Florida by most companies. However, we must keep in mind that all companies’ forms are NOT necessarily the same. Some companies may provide broader coverage and some may be more restrictive. IN ALL CASES, THE CONSUMER MUST REFER TO HIS OR HER OWN POLICY FOR SPECIFIC COVERAGE INFORMATION.
In catastrophic situations, some companies may be more lenient in their handling of claims and may make concessions, such as advancing additional living expense (i.e. ALE) payments, to expedite the claim process. Other companies may handle such claims in accordance with their normal procedures.
If you have additional questions that need to be added to this list or if you find any errors, please send them to the Division of Consumer Services, Bureau of Insurance Assistance, 200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4212.

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