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Business/Commercial Insurance

Full Coverage: Your Directory of Insurance Resources

One thing that all business owners have in common is the responsibility to ensure their business is properly protected. It doesn't matter the size or type of business you have, you must insure you have the proper insurance to protect the future of your business and the safety of your employees and customers.

There are several types of insurance available for businesses and understanding what each is and how the coverage works may assist you in your decision making process. Review the consumer education materials on this page to learn more about:

Business/Commercial Insurance Consumer Education Materials

Protecting Your Business: Business Interruption Coverage

Protecting Your Business: Business Interruption Coverage

Office of the Insurance Consumer Advocate Consumer Guide

If your business was forced to temporarily close due to damage to your business property, would you be able to continue to pay expenses such as your lease, loan payments, salaries and taxes until your business was operational again?

This guide explores Business Interruption Coverage: what is and isn't covered, when it applies, how to determine how much coverage you need and the endorsements and additional options available. 

Also available in Spanish and Creole.

Small Business Owners' Insurance Guide

Small Business Owners' Insurance 

Department of Financial Services' Division of Consumer Services' Guide

Finding the best insurance plan to protect your business is one of the many important decisions you must make as a small business owner. The Small Business Owners' Insurance guide explains the required and optional coverage you need to consider, how to select an insurance agent and company and tips to protect your business and privacy. 

Join The Battle Against Workers' Compensation Fraud

Join The Battle Against Workers' Compensation Fraud

Department of Financial Services' Division of Consumer Services' Guide

Workers’ compensation insurance is a significant expense for Florida businesses, and fraud pushes the price even higher. Understanding the consequences of workers’ compensation fraud and knowing how to report it can help reduce the cost of doing business.

Also available in Spanish.

Report Workers' Compensation Fraud by calling the DFS Fraud Hotline at 1-800-378-0445 or through the Criminal Investigations Division's Online Fraud Portal.

Business/Commercial Insurance Resources

Department of Financial Services - Jimmy Patronis Logo

Department of Financial Services, Division of Workers' Compensation 

Contact Your ICA

Tasha Carter

Florida's Insurance Consumer Advocate
Office of the Insurance Consumer Advocate
200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399
Phone: (850) 413-5923

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