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Take these steps now to ensure you are prepared for a disaster later.

Be sure to inventory items in your home, log important insurance contacts, make improvements to your home to mitigate damage and more.


Inventory Your Household Items

  • Be sure to include receipts, photos, videos, purchase dates and serial numbers. Keep copies of the inventory and your insurance policies in a safe place such as a waterproof, fireproof container. 
Go: Emergency Financial Preparedness Toolkit

Financially prepare for a disaster:

Emergency Financial Preparedness Toolkit

  • Use the Department’s Emergency Financial Preparedness Toolkit to log your accounts with financial institutions; and insurance company and agent contact information. Be sure to include the claims-reporting telephone number of your insurance company, which may differ from your agent's contact information.
  • You may also log interactions with company representatives and repair persons.
  • Keep this information in a safe place and make sure you have access to it if you are forced to evacuate your home.

Be Proactive With Repair Research

Contact your insurance company to determine if it requires you to use preferred contractors or repair companies whose work it guarantees. If your company does not have a preferred vendor list, research repair companies/contractors in advance. Ensure these companies are licensed and have the proper insurance coverage.

To verify a company’s insurance coverage:

To verify a contractor’s license:

Consider Home Improvements

  • Make improvements to your home in advance to mitigate damages. Minor changes - shutters, roof attachments, etc. - you make to strengthen your home now may decrease the amount of hurricane damage later. For more mitigation options, review the Plan, Prepare, Protect: Mitigation Page
Mitigation: Take steps to decrease the risk of damage during a storm

Review a detailed list of mitigation options that can help strengthen your home and give you added protection against disasters:

Take Action When a Storm Threatens

TV News report of home with hurricane shutters preparing for the storm.

When a storm threatens, take action to prepare your property for the potential impact.

  • Buy and install the materials you need to secure your property and minimize your losses.
  • Cover your windows with shutters, siding or plywood.
  • Move vehicles into a garage or carport when possible.
  • Grills and/or patio furniture should be moved inside.



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Contact Your ICA

Tasha Carter

Florida's Insurance Consumer Advocate
Office of the Insurance Consumer Advocate
200 East Gaines Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399
Phone: (850) 413-5923

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