Public Information Officer - 45 Hours
Course Description
This course will prepare the student to serve effectively as a organizational spokesperson, according to current practices in the profession of public relations and numerous examples from the fire service. Particular emphasis will be placed on case studies in crisis communications and the role of the PIO in the incident command system.
*This course is currently under revision to meet the requirements of 2022 FEMA L0105 Curriculum
Additional Information and Instructor Qualifications:
This program is part of the following Certification(s)
Applicable CEU's (45 hours)
Fire Code Administrator
Inspector I
Instructor I, II, and III
Course Equivalency Process
(To determine eligibility of courses not listed in your FCDICE Student Account that you want to use towards a certification)
Course Fee
In-State: $75.00
Out-of-State: $185.00
(Prices vary for other providers)
FSFC Schedule and Registration