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Employer Resources

Printed Publications Request

Complete this form to request Printed Publications provided by the Florida Deferred Compensation Plan. Once the completed form has been received, the Bureau of Deferred Compensation will send the Printed Publications as soon as they are available. If available, Printed Publications are expected to ship within five (5) business days.


Select Publication(s) being requested:

*Plan Watch Booklets are updated Quarterly and are limited to a request of 20 booklets.

**Types of Investments Flyers are updated Quarterly.

***University / State College Brochures are unique to each University / State College, and the University / State College field determines which brochure will be sent.

****By checking this box, the Bureau of Deferred Compensation will add the Employer to the Employer Mailing List and be able to inform the them about Educational Workshops, updated Plan information, and other Plan resources.

Not Sure What Publications to Request?

Preview all the publications offered by the Bureau of Deferred Compensation and their descriptions.

Preview Publications

This website is intended to provide information about the State of Florida's Government Employees Deferred Compensation Plan. It is not intended as investment, legal, or accounting advice. If investment advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. For changes to your account, go to your Investment Provider's website and log in using the ID and password you created for that Investment Provider.