About Nationwide
Nationwide has been a proud Investment Provider of the Florida Deferred Compensation Plan since 1982. We provide innovative webinars presented by Florida’s salaried and non-commissioned Retirement Specialists who meet employees and Participants when, where, and how they want to meet.
For more than 40 years, Nationwide has helped public sector employees prepare for and live in retirement. We take pride in being a U.S.-based company with a strong and stable history going back more than 90 years and a mutual company, which means we don’t have shareholders and can put clients, members, and communities first. We’re a Fortune 100 company with a diverse corporate portfolio, disciplined investment approach, and long-term vision that can navigate economic ups and downs.
Learn more at NRSFlorida.com (Ahora disponible en español) or call 800-949-4457.
Retirement Specialists
Our eight salaried, non-commissioned, and local field Retirement Specialists, Internal phone-based Retirement Specialists, and our Call Center representatives focus on Florida’s employees and the Deferred Compensation Plan.
Find Your Retirement Specialist

The Importance of Beneficiary Designation
Make sure your beneficiary designations are up-to-date by filling out and submitting a scanned Participant Action Form to RPublic@Nationwide.com.
View FormEnroll With Nationwide
52% of households are at risk of not having enough to maintain their living standards in retirement (National Retirement Index, Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, 9/2016). With the Florida Deferred Compensation
Plan, you could pay less in taxes, save to offset rising healthcare costs, and fill the gap if Social Security and your pension falls short. Nationwide is here to help you every step of the way. Enroll With Nationwide or call 800-949-4457 to learn more. Also,
check out the Nationwide Enrollment Flyer.
This website is intended to provide information about the State of Florida's Government Employees Deferred Compensation Plan. It is not intended as investment, legal, or accounting advice. If investment advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. For changes to your account, go to your Investment Provider's website and log in using the ID and password you created for that Investment Provider.