CFO Seal

Office of the Director and Administration

The Division of Risk Management is responsible for the management of claims reported by or against state agencies and universities for coverage under the self-insurance fund known as the "State Risk Management Trust Fund".  Coverage's provided through the trust fund include: Workers' Compensation, Property, Fleet Automobile Liability, General Liability, Federal Civil Rights/Employment Discrimination and Court Awarded Attorney Fees.  The Division also provides loss prevention services and technical assistance to state agencies and universities for managing risk.

Below you will find the contact information for our Division's leadership staff. The Division leadership may also be reached by telephone at: (850) 413-3120.

Division Management 

Molly C. Merry
200 East Gaines Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0336

Assistant Director
Kelly Fitton
200 East Gaines Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0336

State Employee Workers’ Compensation Claims
Bureau Chief: Dana Winkler

Bureau of State Liability and Property Claims
Bureau Chief: Kelly Hagenbeck

Bureau of Risk Financing and Loss Prevention
Bureau Chief: Jeff Cagle


The Bureau of Risk Financing and Loss Prevention provides administrative support to the Division. These administrative functions are handled by three sections within the Bureau:  Trust Fund Management Section, Data Management Section and Contract Monitoring Section. Their duties include but are not limited to:

  • Cash management and accounting for the Division’s $226 million annual budget
  • Calculation of casualty and property premiums for the Division’s customers
  • Monitoring the Division’s contracts
  • Providing data management and IT support

Please visit our Bureau of Risk Financing and Loss Prevention page for more information.