CFO Seal

Bureau of Risk Financing and Loss Prevention

Loss Prevention Provides training and consultative services to agency safety coordinators, conducts agency risk management program evaluations, monitors agency return-to-work programs, and provides administrative support to the Interagency Advisory Council on Loss Prevention.
Data Management Provides support services to the Division, with emphasis on electronic data input, on-site maintenance and user support of Division IT systems, and report production.
charts, graphs, and a tablet on a table
Trust Fund Management Provides cash management for the Division’s $226 million annual budget, calculate casualty and property premiums for the Division’s customers, maintains agency cost centers and vendor files within the Division’s Risk Management Information Claims System, and issues claim payments through the Division’s Claims/Casualty Insurance Risk Management Revolving Fund.
man signing documents
Contract Monitoring Provides procurement and contract management functions for the Division’s service contracts, including monitoring activities to ensure vendor compliance with contract terms and deliverables, audit activities, and contract administration.