CFO Seal

State Property Claims

Insurance Coverage Provided

Florida Statute Chapter 284, Part I, requires the Division of Risk Management to self-insure all state owned buildings and contents through the State Risk Management Trust Fund (the “Fund”). All State of Florida agencies insure their buildings and contents through the Fund. The Fund assesses state agencies an annual premium, provides coverage for reported locations, and pays claims for property losses due to covered perils.

In addition to insuring state owned buildings and contents, we provide coverage for:

  • Loss of rental income when the coverage is required by bonding or revenue certificates or resolution.
  • Non-owned state-leased real property is covered if an approved lease provides and conforms to the coverage under the property policy.

Covered perils for which coverage is provided include: fire, lightning, explosion, windstorm, hail, smoke, aircraft or vehicles, riot or civil commotion, sinkhole collapse and flood.

Our coverage pays actual cash value for a loss which is (cost of repairs or replacement less depreciation). There is a $2,500 deductible per occurrence (except flood). The provisions of our coverage are contained in the Certificate of Property Coverage, Certificate of Rental Value Coverage, and the NFIP Standard Flood Insurance Policy.

In addition to the coverages provided by Risk Management, annually we purchase excess insurance to protect state property in the event of a catastrophe such as a hurricane or flood. This insurance is purchased in the private market and the state retains or assumes responsibility for the first “layer” of payments on a particular catastrophic event (i.e. the first 42 million in losses).

Each state agency participating in the Property Program designates a Property Coordinator as a liaison to Risk Management for all aspects of the program. Property Coordinators are responsible for making sure that all buildings and contents are reported to Risk Management with accurate insured values. All newly acquired buildings or contents must be reported on the Coverage Request Form (DFS-DO-850). All changes in building or contents data and information needs to be reported via e-mail or the Property Schedule. They also provide information about losses and file claims for losses.

Property Claims Process

Risk Management has the responsibility of investigating, evaluating, negotiating, and settling covered property claims. These functions are performed by in-house staff with assistance from contracted adjusters and appraisers.

The agency Property Coordinator has the responsibility of reporting all losses to Risk Management. The first step is to create an incident in our claims management system, Origami Risk. If you require access, please contact the Division.


Florida Department of Financial Services
Division of Risk Management, State Liability and Property Claims
200 E. Gaines Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0338
Fax: 850-413-2730


Mary McDonald 
Operations Review Specialist
NyKael Sanders
Insurance Analyst 1


Kelly Hagenbeck
Bureau Chief of Liability and Property Claims