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Credit Cards, Charge Cards, and Debit Cards

A state agency as defined in section 216.011, Florida Statutes, or the judicial branch (both hereafter referred to as state entities) may accept credit cards, charge cards, or debit cards (cards) in payment for goods and services with the prior approval of the Chief Financial Officer (CFO). The requirements to accept these cards are found in section 215.322, Florida Statutes (F.S.), and Chapter 69C-4, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). ePayment Operation – Major Requirements provides an overview of these requirements.

The Treasury has established a state standard contract for its electronic payments (ePayments) program. The state standard contract shall be used by all state entities unless they have received approval from the CFO to use an alternative contract.

The state standard contract requires that all participants (i.e., state entities and units of local government) complete a Participation Agreement. The Participation Agreement sets forth the requirements of the financial institution providing the contract services and the participant.

In addition to the fees payable to the vendor of the state standard contract, American Express, Discover, Visa, and MasterCard each assess various fees. These fees will be billed monthly to participants. There is an approved MyFloridaMarketPlace Transaction Fee Exemption for each of these credit card types.

State entities utilizing ePayment services are required to file an annual report with the CFO providing information required by section 215.322, F.S., and Chapter 69C-4, F.A.C. The report is due within 30 days after the end of the fiscal year.

Contact Treasury for additional information on the ePayments Operation.