CFO Seal

Brochures, Guides, & Posters

Workers' Compensation System Guide

WC System Guide

Workers' Compensation Information For Workers

As required in Section 440.185(3), Florida Statutes, this publication is required to be mailed (U.S. Postal Service, or electronically), by the claims administrator, to the injured worker within three days after the employer or employee informs the claims administrator of the injury.

Important Workers' Compensation Information For Florida's Workers brochure: English (Nov 30, 2010) | Spanish (Feb 2014)

Workers' Compensation Information For Employers

As required in Section 440.185(4), Florida Statutes, this publication is required to be sent to the employer annually by the insurer or its third party administrator.

Important Workers' Compensation Information For Florida's Employers brochure (Nov 30, 2010): English | Spanish

Employer Instruction Manual for Penalty Payment Service

This manual contains general information about the online penalty payment service and step-by-step instructions for setting up an online payment account.

Employer Instruction Manual: English |  Spanish

"Broken Arm" Poster

All-In-One Broken Arm poster: English | Spanish

Anti-Fraud Reward Program Notice

Anti-Fraud Notice: English |  Spanish

Workers’ Compensation Reemployment Services Brochure

Reemployment Services Program

Key Coverage and Exemption Eligibility Requirements

Key Coverage and Exemption Eligibility Requirements brochure: English | Spanish

Employee Notification Letter

This notification letter will satisfy the statutory requirements in s. 440.185, F.S., that the employer or carrier provide the employee with written notice of the availability of the service offered by the Employee Assistance and Ombudsman Office in the form and manner determined by the Department.
Notification must be mailed or hand-delivered to the injured employee within three days after the employer/carrier receives notice of the employee’s injury.
Florida Administrative Code, 69L-26.004 provides the purpose and direction to the form and manner of notification.

Employee Notification Letter: English | Spanish

Workers' Compensation Fraud

Join the Battle Against Workers' Compensation Fraud brochure, from the Criminal Investigations Division: English | Spanish